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Cats get a bad rap for being the most eager to eat their owners, and anecdotally, some emergency responders say it's pretty common. When it happens, cats tend to go for the face, especially soft parts such as the nose and lips.

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Lvl 6
2y ago
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Lvl 1
2y ago
Yes they do eat their owners
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11y ago

Humourus Answer

Would you eat your cat if it died? No. You would most likely bury it. Cats will do the same for you. Since they are much smaller and weaker than us, they will take you apart piece by piece and attempt to bury you in the litter box. So make sure your litter box is kept clean so your cats have a place to bury you. It is also recommended that you keep your wallet in a place easily accessible to your cat so that it may use your credit card to purchase more food at the grocery store. Some cats have even been known to start their own small business in the absence of an owner so that they can make sure that the heat does not get shut off in winter months. I hope this answers your question!

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Serious Answer

Put simply; YES.

Cats, even our pet cats, ARE still animals and WILL EAT ANY needed source of food. A cat with no other source of food could eat you if you died. It is just basic survival.

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16y ago

No If the cat has no food and the dead human is the only source of food--then yes it will eat the body --no animal--even a human-- wants to starve to death.

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