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Q: True or False The Nile Delta was formed from ocean waves and currents?
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Where are convection currents formed?

the ocean .

Where are deltas formed and why are they formed there?

Where a river which transmits a great deal of material arrives at the sea and there is little tidal range a delta will form. Example the Nile into the Mediterranean or the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico. The Amazon & the Congo, which flow into an Ocean, the Atlantic in these examples, do not form deltas because the ocean currents distribute the outflow of material into & along the ocean currents.

Why do ocean currents reverse during the winter compared to the direction of the currents in the summer?


How is a deep ocean current formed?

I think ocean currents are formed because the pull of the moon,well actually waves are formed that way but I think it's the same thing.

What is the ocean currents?

I don't know what ocean currents mean but I know what deep ocean currents mean. It mean "An ocean current formed when cold water flows underneath warm water.

What Surface ocean currents are primarily formed by?


Where is Amazon River delta?

The Amazon River is in South America, mostly in Brazil, but it empties into the currents of the Atlantic Ocean, so no actual delta has formed. References to the "delta" are to the land areas and islands between the many channels that branch off into the ocean. Historically, some of the shallow areas of the state of Para were built up by Amazon floods.

Is formed when sediment is deposited where a river flows into an ocean?

A "Delta".

How are surface ocean currents formed?

you should really read your textbook.

Ocean currents affect the climate true or false?


Deep ocean currents return warm water from the poles to the euator.true or false?

False. That statement is just backwards.

Deep ocean currents are caused by the sinking of warm water near the poles?
