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Q: True or false While the rate of photosynthesis is independent of temperature it has been shown to be markedly affected by changes in light intensity?
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Which of the following does not affect photosynthesis rate of a plant?

intensity of lightIt is affected by temperature, pH , intensity of light . Other physical factors do not affect much

How does temperature affect the rate of photoysistes?

The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is affected by more than one factor. The other factors are light and carbon dioxide.

How is water affected by light?

Water is affected by light by a small temperature rise (depending on the intensity of the the light) and the light will make the water become illuminated.

How does high temperature effect photosynthesis?

The rate of photosynthesis depends on temperature the same way enzymes depend on temperature. Photosynthesis involves enzyme assistance. Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions. Enzymes are affected by pH and temperature. If the pH is too acidic or basic, enzymes will be denatured (which means they will change shape and not be able to catalyze reactions as well or entirely). Same goes for temperature. If the temperature is too cold or too hot, the enzymes might deactivate, or their efficiency will be inhibited. So, if the temperature of the organism's environment is too high or low, the rate of photosynthesis will decrease because the enzymes aren't working properly. On the other hand, if the temperature is optimal for enzyme activity, the rate will increase, as production is at its high.

How does temperature affect oxygen production in a plant?

Temperature being a limiting factor for biochemical reaction also regulate the rate of photosynthesis in plants. Thus lower and higher temperature, beyond the optimum limit, reduce the rate of photosynthesis and hence production of oxygen is also affected.

Why is temperature important for photosynthesis?

temperature effects the rate at which photosynthesis works. e.g. if it is hot then the rate will increase, cold temperature will result in a less productive plant. NOTE: The ideal temperatures vary from plant to plant.

Is it true that Photosynthesis continues to increase with temperature?

YesIt is affected by enzymes.Reaction rate of enzymes affected by temperature. It incrase upto 60C ,then decrease due to denaturization

What property of a wave is affected by the amount of energy transported?

Intensity of sound is affected. Intensity is the amount of sound energy passing in unit time. Higher intensity sounds can travel longer distances.

What is the variable is the part of the experiment that affected by the independent variable?

The dependent variable is affected by the independent variable. Is that what you were looking for?

What variable is a condition in an experiment that gets affected by the independent variable?

The dependant variable is affected by the independent variable

What kind of variable is part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable?

Dependent Variable the independent variable is the one you change to get the dependent variable. The control group is the thing that you leave the same throughout your experiment. Hint: You don't want too many independent variables, it will mess up the experiment.

What sound characteristic is not affected by the relative motion of an object?
