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Q: True or false because of its velocity and the pull of gravity the moon stays in orbit around the earth?
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What two motions combined make the moon orbit Earth?

Velocity and gravity (movement around the Earth and the gravity of the Earth pulling on it).

How does the sun stay in orbit around the sun?

The Sun's gravity keeps the Earth (and all the planets) in orbit around it. Yes, but obviously there's more to it or the planet would go into the Sun. It is the Earth's orbital velocity ( technically known as its tangential velocity) which, together with the force of gravity, keeps the Earth in orbit.

What is velocity that a rocket must attain to escape the force of gravity on earth?

The velocity of a any object to surpass the gravity of earth commonly known as escape velocity is 11.2Km/s.

Where is a situation when gravity causes a change in velocity?

One common example is when an object falls freely due to gravity. As the object accelerates towards the Earth, its velocity changes because gravity is constantly acting on it. The object's velocity increases as it falls towards the ground.

Does the sun have more or less gravity than earth?

I think the planet earth has more gravity

Why are you not affected by the earth's rotation?

Because we are being carried round with it, and the angular velocity is not sufficient to overcome gravity.

Describe a situation in which gravity causes a change in velocity why does a change in velocity happen?

When an object is dropped from a height, gravity causes it to accelerate towards the ground. This acceleration leads to a change in velocity as the object's speed increases. The change in velocity occurs because gravity exerts a force on the object, pulling it towards the Earth.

Why is the moon revolve around the earth?

Because of gravity.

Why does the moon not fall to the surface of the earth?

because the weight of the moon is balanced by the centrifugal force of gravity as the moon is in orbit traveling around the earth at high velocity

Why does the earth move around?

the earth moves around because of the suns gravity. Its not rocket science.

Why does the moon orbit around the earth?

The moon orbits around the Earth due to gravitational attraction between the two bodies. This gravitational force keeps the moon in orbit as it moves around the Earth. Additionally, the moon's velocity and the balance between gravitational pull and centripetal force also contribute to its orbital motion.

What keeps the moon ins orbit around earth?

That's the mutual force of gravitation (gravity) between the Earth and the Moon. This, combined with the Moon's velocity (its inertia), results in the orbital path that the Moon follows.