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True. In naming ionic compounds, the cation (positively charged ion) is always named first followed by the anion (negatively charged ion). This convention helps identify the elements and their charges in the compound.

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Q: True or false in naming the ionic compounds the cation is always named first and the anion second?
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How are nonmetals in ionic compounds named?

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In writing the formula of an ionic compound the cation (positive ion) is always written first and the anion (negative ion) is always written second. in Ca3N2 Ca2+ is the cation and N3- is the anion.

Where is a cation found in a formula?

The standard formula for writing chemical compounds is to list the cation (or more positive, in the case of two or more non-metals binding) first, and to list the anion (or more negative) second. For example, NaCl (sodium chloride, table salt) lists the cation (Na+) first and the anion (Cl-) second. For non-metals, a good example is carbon dioxide (CO2) - although covalently bonded, the carbon tends to maintain a slight positive charge and the oxygens tend to maintain a slight negative charge.

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The rule is that the metallic (or the less electronegative) element goes first, and the non-metallic (or more electronegative) element goes second. And the second element has an alteration in its name to indicate the formation of a compound. For example, sodium + chlorine = sodium chloride.

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Nonmetals in an ionic compound are named by using the nonmetal element name followed by the "-ide" suffix. For example, chlorine becomes chloride, oxygen becomes oxide, and nitrogen becomes nitride.

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The ending of the second element in a compound is typically changed to "-ide". For example, in sodium chloride, the second element chlorine becomes chloride.

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