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Yes. Mendeleev did group elements in similar properties.

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True. Mendeleev organized the elements into the Periodic Table based on their atomic weight and similar chemical properties. He noticed that elements with similar properties tended to occur at regular intervals, leading to the periodicity of the elements.

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Q: True or false mendeleev also grouped elements that has similar properties?
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Mendeleev made the first periodic table around?

Dmitri Mendeleev created the first periodic table of elements in 1869. He arranged elements by increasing atomic weight and grouped those with similar properties together. Mendeleev left gaps for undiscovered elements and was able to predict the properties of these missing elements.

What elements did mendeleev group with lithium?

Mendeleev grouped lithium with potassium and sodium in his periodic table based on their similar chemical properties and valence electron configurations. He recognized that these elements belonged to the alkali metal group.

How did Dmitri Mendeleev figure out how to put the first periodic table together?

Mendeleev organized elements by their atomic mass and properties, arranging them in a table where elements with similar properties were grouped together. Gaps were left for undiscovered elements, allowing Mendeleev to predict the properties of these missing elements based on their position in the table. This led to the development of the first periodic table.

How are the elements in the first periodic table arranged?

In the first Periodic Table by Mendeleev, he arranged the elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses and repeating properties.

What is the similarities in the modern periodic table and Mendeleev's table?

Both the modern periodic table and Mendeleev's table are organized by increasing atomic number and similar properties are grouped together. They both have periods (rows) and groups (columns) that showcase trends in atomic properties. Additionally, both tables provide a systematic way to predict the properties of elements based on their position.

Related questions

Is this true that mendeleev also grouped elements that had similar properties?


What are elements on the periodic table are grouped based on?

Group are based on similar properties. The elements having same chemical properties are grouped together.

Did Mendeleev group elements that had similar properties true or false?

It is true.

What is the similarities in the modern periodic table and Mendeleev's table?

Both the modern periodic table and Mendeleev's table are organized by increasing atomic number and similar properties are grouped together. They both have periods (rows) and groups (columns) that showcase trends in atomic properties. Additionally, both tables provide a systematic way to predict the properties of elements based on their position.

Do elements in the same group or period have similar properties?

Elements in the same group have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. In contrast, elements in the same period do not necessarily have similar properties, as their chemical behavior is determined by the number of electron shells they have.

When mendeleev made his arrangement of the elements in a table he found that elements with fell into groups on the table.?

similar properties

How is the modern periodic table similar to the Mendeleev periodic table?

Both arrange elements in groups of elements having similar properties.

How is mendeleev periodic table similar to the modern periodic table?

Both arrange elements in groups of elements having similar properties.

When was Mendeleev's contribution to the atomic theory published?

Mendeleev's contribution to the atomic theory was published in 1869 in his book "Principles of Chemistry." In this work, he introduced the periodic table of elements, organizing them by atomic weight and properties, and leaving gaps for undiscovered elements.

Who organized into columns of elements with similar properties?

Dmitri Mendeleev is credited for creating the periodic table.

How did Mendeleev list the elements?

The most important principle was the listing in groups, after similar chemical or physical properties.

What was Mendeleev's periodic table was organized by?

Mendeleev's periodic table was organized in order of increasing atomic masses. He arranged elements having similar properties together.