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Q: True or false stress results from a negative life event and it makes us more susceptible to illness?
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Why does prolonged stress often result in an increase in illenesses?

Chronic or prolonged stress often results in increased blood pressure and lowering of the immune response. This, in turn, increases the stressed persons chances of becoming more susceptible to illness.

What physical reaction results from stress rather than from physical injury or illness?

Psychosomatic response

What are three negative results of stress?

hypertension migraines cortisol-induced immune system dysfunction

Can stress prolong a head cold?

Yes, most definitely, like they say, "healthy mind, healthy body", they go hand in hand. The more stress you have in your life, the more susceptible you are to colds, flu and other diseases.

How do you treat illness arising from geopathic stress?

Geopathic Stress occurs when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed,either naturally or artificially and the background field we normally experience is changed.Geopathic Stress results in negative earth energieshaving a detrimental effect on us. There are many things you can do but I recommend you contact your local dowsers. They have extensive experience in finding and averting energy that may be EMF or earth based.

A positive or negative stressor is that causes stress-?

Someone that has stress is a negative for a person. Stress can cause a lot of issues.

Is a hernia a organ?

no it is a illness caused by stress on the spine

Is alcohol abuse a stress related illness?

Alcohol abuse is not an illness but a behavior. The same is true of alcoholism.

Negative pregnancy test after 5 days late?

There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. If you did not perform the test properly (example: you drank a lot of fluids before taking the test, which can dilute your urine). Etc There are a few things that can contribute to a missed period: stress, illness, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, birth control pills, etc.

What is a model that describes the relationship between stress and disease?

Because our brains and body are so intertwined. Illness is a very common factor of stress and stress is a very common factor of illness. All said how do we stop this vicious cycle?

Which type of fatigue is the effect of stress or illness?

Pathological Fatigue

Is post traumatic Stress Disorder considered a mental illness?
