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That would be the Fallopian (fuh LOH pee un) tubea.k.a. the oviduct.

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Q: Tube through which egg travels on its way to the uterus?
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What is the patway through which the egg travels to the uterus?

fallopian tube

What is the tube connecting the ovary and the uterus?

It's called a fallopian tube. It attached from the ovary to the uterus, it's where the eggs travel through.

What is the pathway for the egg?

AnswerFrom the vagina, through cavity of cervix and uterus,then through fallopian tube where the sperm meets the egg in ampulla, a part of fallopian tube.AnswerOnce ejaculated out of the penis, sperm travels up the vagina. It then goes through the cervix, which is the entrance to the uterus. Once inside the uterus, it goes towards the fallopian tubes in search of an egg. If no egg is found, it dies within 48 hours. Only one sperm is needed to fertilise the egg, and the rest die.

Is it true that once a fallopian tube is removed the person can only have only female or only male babies?

The fallopian tube is the channel through which the egg travels into the uterus. When the tube is removed, there is no way for the egg to get to the uterus. Therefore, unless the second tube is intact, there will be no babies at all. This is a procedure for voluntary sterilization.

Where is the egg cell?

The egg s fertilized in the Fallopian tubes. These are small tubes that connect the ovary to the uterus. An egg is released from the ovary and travels into the Fallopian tube. A sperm cell travels up the uterus and meets the egg in the Fallopian tubes. They then become fertilized and the new zygote travels down the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the uterus wall. The baby then begins to develop. Hope this helped :)

What is the pathway of an ova through a female reproductive system?

Every month, the Ovaries release a egg which waits to be fertilized by sperm in the oviduct-known as the fallopian tubes. A unfertilized egg just leaves the ovary, out through the Oviduct descending into the Uterus and out through the vagina.

Where does an egg cell go once it is released from the ovary?

It travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus.

What happens to a fertilized egg inside the uterus?

It's usually fertilized in the Fallopian tube, travels down into the uterus where it attaches to the wall there

Pathway along which an egg travels from the time of its release to its implantation?

The fertilized ovum moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Once at the uterus the blastocyst floats around until it finds a spot on the uterine lining to implant.

What is the function of the fimbrae in the female reproductive system?

The fimbrae function to gather the released egg into the fallopian tube. From there, the egg travels to the uterus.

Where is the egg located when fertilization occurs?

in humans, the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube. the egg is released from the ovary and waits there in hopes of being fertilized. this is called ovulation. the sperm travels through the cervix, through the uterus, and into the fallopian tube where it looks for the egg.chickens have an organ called infundibulum where the sperm will be. then they lay the fertilized egg.Uterine (Fallopian) Tube

Is ovary aka uterus?

No, they are 2 different organs. The ovaries (2) are the ones releasing the egg once a month and the egg then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. It's in the uterus the baby grows when you are pregnant.