

Tubes that contain and transport sperm?

Updated: 6/15/2024
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14y ago

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The Seminiferous tubules

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The tubes that contain and transport sperm are called the vas deferens. This structure connects the testes to the urethra and allows sperm to be transported from the epididymis, where they mature, to the ejaculatory duct during ejaculation.

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Not if they are scarred from epididymitis.

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Conception means the meeting of sperm and egg to form an embryo which will form a new individual. Block Fallopian tubes will prevent that. The tubes carry sperm up towards the ovary and it carries the egg down towards the sperm.

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Uterine tubes or Fallopian tubes (one on each side) transport the egg (ovum ) from the ovary to the uterus (the womb)

Where do the sperm and meet?

In humans, they meet in the Fallopian tubes.