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Q: Ture or false some bacteria can use the sun's energy to make their own food?
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Bacteria get their energy from the food they eat.

How do bacteria obtain the energy they need?

=== === There are some bacteria that can make their own food like an autotroph can.

How does bacteria receive energy?

bacteria gets its enery from sugars that are found in food

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Bacteria do help to digest food in peoples' intestines.

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Food and chemicals

True or false Food contains bacteria naturally there is nothing that can be done to stop the transmission of theses organisms?

False. If food is heated high enough(pressure cooking) and long enough it will kill all bacteria and their spores.

How do bacteria obtain energy to carry out functions?

Like all organisms, bacteria need a constant supply of energy to carry out their functions. This energy comes from food The process of breaking down food to release its energy is called respiration.

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True or false food is an example of chemical energy?

It is true.