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Q: Turning corner will not cause a shift in the truck center of gravity if the truck have a load on the fork?
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When operating a forklift what happens when the combined center of gravity moves outside the stability triangle?

When a Forklift's center of gravity moves out of the stability triangle it most likely will cause the forklift to tip.

Will carrying heavy cargo increase the cars center of gravtiy?

Carrying heavy items can indeed cause an increase in a car's center of gravity. This is particularly true for SUVs, which typically have a higher center of gravity to begin with. To keep the center of gravity as low as possible, load heavy items as low in the chassis as possible, and towards the center of the vehicle. Heavy items should never be carried on a roof or luggage rack.

What is gravity if it is not a force?

Gravity really is one of the four main forces of the Universe. gravity is an effect and not the cause of anything, no gravitation's, no gravity waves, none of it. gravity is a dynamic effect. the acceleration of the underlying for of energy focused to the center of a mass. there is no separate force called gravity, just a dynamic effect we call 'gravity'

What does the gravity of the moon cause?

The moon gravity can cause tides.

Center of gravity in man and woman?

A women's body structure is such that they have a lower center of gravity, because of their wider hips and heavier bond structure in the lower abdominal part of the skeleton, as compared to men's structure. Men in general have wider shoulders as compared to women. This lower center of gravity is the main cause for women to be able to bend forward in the kneeling position without falling over forward. When men try to bend over, they will fall forward because of the location of their center of gravity. Then this center of gravity passes beyond the knees, their bodies will topple forward.

What is Gravity on mountains an important cause of?

What is Gravity on mountains an important cause of?

How does gravity cause day and night?

Gravity does not cause the day and the night.

How does adding paperclips to the nose of a paper plane affect its flight?

It shifts the center of gravity forward. If the paper airplane originally had the center of gravity too far back, causing it to nose up and stall a paperclip or two can correct this and produce stable flight. If the paper airplane originally had the center of gravity correctly positioned or was too far forward the paperclip will cause it to nose down and crash.

What happened to the earth as gravity crushed the rock at its center?

To some extent, the crushing of rock at the earth's center would cause compression of the earth's 'underpinnings' and, it would get slightly smaller. Additionally, now being closer to the main Mass of the Earth would slightly increase the pull of gravity (Acceleration due to Gravity) seen on the earth's surface.

Why does gravity pulls objects to earth?

Gravity is the cause of a pair of forces that attract any two specks of mass toward each other. The forces act along the line between the centers of the objects. As long as you're anywhere near Earth, the forces of gravity pull the Earth toward the center of you, and pull you toward the center of the Earth (and they're equal).

Do counter clock motions of the ocean cause of the Moon's gravity?

The moon's gravity doesn't cause those motions, and those motions certainly don't cause the moon's gravity.

How can gravity contribute to erosion?

Gravity causes mass movement with sediments. Examples of this are anything with slope. Since gravity pulls everything to the center of the Earth, and natural slopes exist, gravity pulls rocks down different varieties of slopes. An example of this can be a mud slide. This can cause sediments to be pulled downward and deposited in erosion.