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Q: Two examples of renewable resources are?
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Two examples of renewable resources?

sun, wind, water depending where your living

What are examples of renewable resources?

Renewable resources= There are solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal energy, and there are more.

What are 3 examples of non renewable resources that can be recycled?

Aluminum: While aluminum is a non-renewable resource, it can be recycled indefinitely without losing its quality or properties. Lead-acid batteries: These batteries are non-renewable but are recyclable, with the lead and other components being reused in new batteries. Uranium: Although uranium is a non-renewable resource used for nuclear energy, spent nuclear fuel can be reprocessed to extract usable material like plutonium for fuel.

How are renewable resources important to us?

by using renewable resources we can save the environment. Most of the time non-renewable resources are bad for the environment by destroying the ozone. gas and coal are examples of non-renewable resources. another reason renewable resources are better is because they are well, renewable. that way we can never run out. examples would be hydroelectric, solar, and wind power

What is are examples of renewable resources?

Wind energy

What are examples of unlimited resources?

Renewable resources, like solar, wind and water power are examples of unlimited resources.

What is renewable resources of energy?

Renewable resources of energy are resources of energy that we will never run out of because eg they can be recycled or come from a material that we will always have. Renewable resources of energy is energy that comes from fuels that are renewable.A few examples of non-renewable fuels are oil, coal, and rainforest timberAnd examples of renewable resources of energy are wind, hydro and solar

Two examples of stock resources in geography?

Stock resources are non-renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are in limited supply and usually come from the earth, taking a very long time to renew them. Fossil fuel and crude oil are two examples of stock resources.

What are some examples of unlimited resources?

Renewable resources, like solar, wind and water power are examples of unlimited resources.

What R is a resource that wil not run out?

Renewable resources are resources that will not run out. Some examples are trees and water.

What is renewal of resources?

Renewable resources of energy are resources of energy that we will never run out of because eg they can be recycled or come from a material that we will always have. Renewable resources of energy is energy that comes from fuels that are renewable.A few examples of non-renewable fuels are oil, coal, and rainforest timberAnd examples of renewable resources of energy are wind, hydro and solar

What is are renewable resources Non renewable resources?

Oil, gas and coal are three examples of non-renewable energy resources. Once these three resources are used up, we can't replace them. We will have to do without, or find an alternative.