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Newton's third law of motion is every action has and equal and opposite reaction.

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1w ago

Two forces of Newton's Third Law are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This means that for every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force acting on the objects involved.

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15y ago

Newton's 3rd Law = For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

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12y ago

gravity and motion

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10y ago

Action and Re-Action.

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Q: Two forces of Newton's Third Law are what?
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What is a force pair?

A force pair is a pair of equal and opposite forces acting on two interacting objects. According to Newton's third law of motion, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so when one object exerts a force on another, the second object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first object.

Are forces expressed in liters?

No, forces are not expressed in liters. Forces are typically expressed in units such as newtons (N) or pounds-force (lbf), which measure the interaction between objects in terms of acceleration and mass, not volume.

Do ionic or covalent hold two compounds together?

No, they do not hold two compounds together. The forces that hold compounds together are intermolecular forces. Ionic and covalent bonds are intramolecular forces, and they hold the atoms of the molecule or formula unit together.

What is the force that exits between two molecules?

The force that exists between two molecules is typically called intermolecular forces. These forces can include van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding, or electrostatic interactions. The strength of these forces can vary depending on the molecules involved and their structure.

What intermolecular forces are between 2 xenon atoms?

The intermolecular forces between two xenon atoms would be London dispersion forces, which are weak forces caused by temporary fluctuations in electron distribution. Xenon, being a noble gas, does not have permanent dipoles or hydrogen bonding that would contribute to other types of intermolecular forces.

Related questions

In newtons third law the action and reaction forces?

The two forces are of the same magnitude, act in opposite directions, and act on different objects.

Newtons third law describes the forces between two colliding objects use the connection to explain the forces acting when you kick a soccer ball?

When you kick a soccer ball, your foot exerts a force forward on the ball. In return, the ball exerts an equal force backward on your foot, causing your foot to feel the impact. This is an example of Newton's third law of motion: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In newtons third law the action and reaction forces is act on different bodies it is correct or not and why?

had that not been the case then the two forces would cancel each other as they act on the same body being equal and opposite

What two forces of newton's third law states that exert on each other?

action and reaction forces

Which of the Newton's law it is not including the net force?

The Third Law is unrelated to net force. The two forces mentioned in the Third Law act on different objects.

How does the saying You get what you giverelate to newtons third law?

It doesn't; the two are completely unrelated. Of course, some people will make comparisons, because of one of the names given to the Third Law, "Action and Reaction".

What two forces act on a boat?

upthrust & newtons

State newtons third law of motion?

newtons third law states that "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". the reaction will be opposite to the direction of action but it is equal in magnitude of force with which action is done.

What is it called when two forces go in the opposite direction?

If the forces are equal then the net force is 0. If one force is greater than the other than whatever is having the two forces exerted on it will move in the direction of the greater force's direction. The total force will equal the greater force - lesser force. You can draw it in vectors to help visualize. e.g. F1 <------------------*-------> F2 let's say F1 = 5 newtons and F2 = 2 newtons. The combined force would equal 3 newtons going <- direction.

What are the two forces that are always being used in Newton's third law?

The two forces are Action and Re-Action. These forces are the Tangent force and the Gradient force, when tthey are Anti-Parallel and equal.

In newtons 3rd law how many forces always act at once?

Two - forces act in pairs. If object "A" acts on object "B", the object "B" will also act on object "A". In many practical situations, there may be additional forces involved. For example, if an object is at rest despite the fact that a force acts on it, then it is obvious that an additional force acts on the same object, and in the opposite direction. In such cases, there are at least four forces involved, since according to Newton's Third Law, there must be an opposite force for each of these two forces. (Note that in Newton's Third Law, the two forces act on DIFFERENT objects, so the two forces that hold an object in balance do not quality as a pair of forces according to Newton's Third Law.)

What are short and long range forces in physics action and reaction forces according to newtons third law are short or long range or are they contact or non contact forces and how?

Action and reaction forces, according to Newton's third law, are contact forces, as they occur between two objects in direct physical contact. Short-range forces are those that act over small distances and are usually contact forces, such as friction or normal force. Long-range forces, such as gravity or electromagnetic forces, act over large distances and can be either contact or non-contact forces.