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Q: Two main enzymes involved in the digestion of proteins?
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What is the main chemical activity of the stomach?

The main chemical activity of the stomach is digestion of the proteins. There are a number of enzymes and hormones secreted in the stomach to aid this process.

The main chemical of the stomach is to begin the digestion of?

to begin the digestion of proteins

What is the main jobs of enzymes?

They involve in digestion processes

These contain enzymes and are the main organelles of intracellular digestion?


What cellular structures is involved in intracellular digestion Golgi apparatus ribosomes lysosomes?

The main cellular structures involved in intracellular digestion are lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus. Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes that break down complex molecules, while the Golgi apparatus modifies and packages these enzymes for transport to the lysosomes. Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis and do not directly participate in intracellular digestion.

Does breakdown and absorptions involve the stomach?

The Stomach contains some enzymes (Proteases) involved in digestion. however, the main functions of the stomach are to kill harmful bacteria and through the highly acidic environment of the stomach, break bonds between molecules of food. The foods in question are often proteins.

The main chemical activity of the stomach is to begin the digestion of proteins?


Main organelles of intracellular digestion?

In the process of intracellular digestion, lysosomes are the main organelles. Lysosomes contain enzymes that are made by cells, and their primary function is to digest things.

What does the lactase enzyme help with the digestion of?

Lactase enzymes are produced by the body to help the digestion of whole milk. Lactase enzymes break down Lactose one of the main components of milk and dairy products.

Does the protein digestion begin in the stomach and is it completed in the small intestine?

Yes. The digestion of protein begins in the stomach with the enzyme pepsin and ends in the small intestine using enzymes secreted by the pancreas. Once the enzymes have broken the proteins into their amino acids, they can then be absorbed by the epithelial tissue lining the small intestine.

What are the different clotting factors?

Fibrin is one of the main proteins involved in forming clots and plasmin is one of the main proteins involved in breaking down clots.

What are organelles containing digestive enzymes called?

Lysosomes are the organelles that have digestive enzymes. The main purpose of these organelles is to help with the digestion process.