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Examples of mineral characteristics:

- density

- hardness

- refractive index

- chemical composition

- magnetic properties

- cleavage

- crystal system

- radioactivity

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2w ago

You could use properties such as hardness, cleavage or fracture, streak color, and specific gravity to help identify the mineral. Conducting a streak test using a streak plate or observing the crystal form can also provide valuable information for identification.

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Q: Two minerals have the same color and luster what else could you use to identify the mineral?
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How are streak and luster alike?

Both streak and luster are properties used to identify minerals. Streak is the color of the powder left behind when a mineral is scraped against a harder surface, while luster describes how light is reflected off the surface of a mineral. Both properties can provide clues about the identity and composition of a mineral.

What are the four properties of minerals?

The four properties of minerals are color, streak, hardness, and luster. Color refers to the outward appearance, streak is the color of a mineral when it's powdered, hardness is the resistance to scratching, and luster describes the way light reflects off the surface of a mineral.

Which propety is generally the least useful when identifying minerals?

Color is generally the least useful property when identifying minerals, as many minerals can come in a variety of colors due to impurities in their composition. It is more reliable to rely on other properties like hardness, luster, cleavage, and streak for identification.

What is the difference between luster and streak?

Luster refers to the way light interacts with the surface of a mineral, giving it a specific sheen or shine. Streak, on the other hand, refers to the color of the powdered form of a mineral when it's rubbed against a rough white ceramic plate. Luster helps in identifying minerals based on their appearance, while streak helps distinguish minerals by their color.

What properties help scientist identify minerals?

Scientists can identify minerals by examining physical properties such as color, luster, hardness, cleavage, and crystal form. They can also test for properties like streak, specific gravity, and reaction to acid to further narrow down the identification of a mineral. These combined properties help scientists distinguish one mineral from another.

Related questions

How are color and luster similar and different?

i asked my teacher and he said just to put metallic or shiny to describe the color. the luster is metallic according to my book.

What mineral properties cannot be used to identify a mineral?

The color, luster, and crystal shape of a mineral may be observed just by looking at the mineral. Some minerals have very distinctive colors that help identify them. Although the color of a mineral can give away its identity, color is the least useful property for mineral identification.

What is the best way to identify a mineral?

The best way to identify a mineral is through a combination of physical properties such as color, hardness, luster, cleavage, and specific gravity. Using a mineral identification guide or performing tests like streak and acid tests can also help in determining the unique characteristics of a mineral. Additionally, seeking professional assistance from a geologist or mineralogist can provide accurate and reliable identification results.

What two ways can the appearance of a mineral help to identify it?

the color and streak or luster

What is the eight ways to identify a mineral?

By the mineral color, streak color, luster, hardness, the property of the mineral, if it's fracture or cleavage and it's specific gravity. Those are just basic, so there's many other ways to ID a mineral.

Why are some minerals easier to identify than others?

Minerals vary in ways they can be distinduished. Some are easy to identify by hardness, color , streak, or luster

How do you identify minerals I Me My We Our?

Minerals have certain properties, or characteristics, that help to identify them. Minerals can be identified by their color, luster, streak, cleavage, hardness, specific gravity, and even by their chemical composition.

How do geologists identify the minerals too small to be seen in a hand specimen?

color streak and luster

Luster color streak cleavage hardness and denisty are all?

Properties used to identify minerals.

What properties are used to identify rocks and minerals?

Hardness, Cleavage, Luster, Color, Streak, and Texture.

Why cant color be used to identify minerals?

Color can change in a mineral when in certain temperatures

Why is color not a good property to use to identify mineral?

because the color of a mineral can be the same as some other minerals but all minerals have a different property between them