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They are the same. Momentum is the product MV - mass times velocity. KE = 0.5 MV2

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Q: Two particles of equal mass have the same linear momentum Which one has greater KE?
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If two identical cars are traveling at different velocities which car has the greater momentum?

Momentum is equal to the product of mass and velocity, so if the mass is equal, the one with greater velocity has greater momentum.

How are linear inequalitys differant from linear equations?

Inequalities have greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to signs. Equations have an equal sign.

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Both are equal in magnitude but in opposite direction

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The total momentum of a system is a measure of motion of one thing equal to the product of the same mass and velocity. This can also be called linear momentum as well as total momentum.

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I don't think it's the law of momentum that's states that. It's the law of conservation that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change from one form to another. The law of the conservation of linear momentum states that when the vector sum of the external foreces is equal to zero, the linear momentum of that system remains constant.

Which is greater -0.1 or 0.1?

0.1 is greater if you are asking in a linear perspective however in an absolute perspective they are both equal

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Angular momentum about the axis of rotation is the moment of linear momentum about the axis. Linear momentum is mv ie product of mass and linear velocity. To get the moment of momentum we multiply mv by r, r the radius vector ie the distance right from the point to the momentum vector. So angular momentum = mv x r But we know v = rw, so angular momentum L = mr2 x w (w-angular velocity) mr2 is nothing but the moment of inertia of the moving body about the axis of rotation. Hence L = I w.

What is linear inequalities?

it deals with the symbols "greater than" and "less than". it also deals with the things that are not equal.

What Does it Men To Momentum is Conserved?

When momentum is conserved, the initial momentum is equal to the final momentum.

Why the force may be greater than equal to or less than the weight of the liquid in the container?

I believe that would be gravity, acceleration and momentum.

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In an inequality, you have to shade a side of a line to see show if the possible answers are greater than or equal to it

Explain when to use a solid line as a boundary when graphing a linear in equality?

you use a solid line when the inequality is less than or equal to or greater that or equal to the dotted line is for less than or greater than