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Q: Two sets of muscles are to each other?
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They are called the intercostal muscles

Do muscle push bones to make them move?

Muscles never "push"; they can only "pull".The only power that muscles have is to contract or relax. When they contract, they pull. Most bones have two or more sets of muscles, and each muscle pulls in one direction; in sets, the muscles can work together or oppose each other, which account for all the actions that an animal or person can perform.

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How Two sets of muscles work?

Muscles that work together are call synergists. Those that work opposite are called antagonists.

What is the definition of equivalent sets?

Two sets are said to be equivalent if the elements of each set can be put into a one-to-one relationship with the elements of the other set.

What is one on one correspondence?

Two sets of numbers that have each number has a number that matches with it in the other set.

An equation that sets two fractions equal to each other is called a?

It could be called an equivalence relationship.