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The presence of homologous structures (for example, the bone structure in chimpanzee arms, human arms, and whale flippers) indicates that the species sharing that homologous structure share a common ancestor.

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Q: Two species have homologous structures what do these homologous strcutures show about the evolutionary relationship between the two species?
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What are structures that share a common evolutionary origin called?

Homologous Structures - California LIFE Science Prentice Hall (7th grade)

Explain why the homologous structures in Part 1 are evidence of evolutionary relationships?

Homologous structures are the remnants of structures long ago that have evolved into other things now. This is why they are evidence of evolutionary relationships.

Why did evolutionary theory prove important in taxonomy?

The homologous structures between different evolutionary structures help taxonomists in classifying organisms.

Why the homologous structures are evidence of evolutionary relationship?

They show similarities between organisms structure. if the similarities are large then it shows that those organisms share a common ancestor.

What does it mean if two different animals possess homologous structures?

Homologous structures are similar evolutionary structures that evolved in different organisms that were used for the same purpose long ago but are no longer in use

What is the relationship between homologous structure and analogous structure?

Homologous structures refer to structures on different species that are similar in function and their evolutionary origin. Analogous structures are similar in function but do not share a similarity in evolutionary origin.

Does homologous mean that structures are similar due to having common ancestry?

homologous structures- same structure/different functions in common ancestors analogous structures-same functions/differnt structures not in common ancestors vestigial-show evolutionary history/structures that arent used anymore (i.e. human appendix/human tailbone)

Structures that have similar structure and function but different evolutionary origins are called?

It is either homologous structures or homozygous structures. Embryological structures are when different species of animals look similar in the earliest stage of development and Analogous structures are when animals look different but their function is basically the same. So just look up homologous structures and homozygous structures in your Bio book!!

What is homologous structures?

A structure with similar shape but a different use

What are structures that have different functions in different species but develop from the same embryonic tissue?

Homologous structures

How Does Homologous Structures Disapprove Evolution?

They don't, Homologous structures, such as the bones in your forearms and the bones in your cat's and dog's forelegs are that similar because you and your pets are mammals and closely related on the evolutionary tree. Before modern genetic showed this to be convincing the study of morphology was showing us pretty much the same thing; homologous structures support evolution.

Compare homologous and analogous structures?

Homologous structures are similar in structure but different in function, indicating shared ancestry (such as the bones in the limbs of humans and bats). Analogous structures have similar functions but different origins, suggesting convergent evolution (like the wings of birds and insects).