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6d ago

Frost weathering, also known as freeze-thaw weathering, occurs more rapidly in climates that experience frequent freezes and thaws. This process involves the expansion of water as it freezes in rock crevices, creating stress that can cause pieces of rock to break off.

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Q: Type of weathering that occurs more rapidly in climates that experience frequent freezes and thaws?
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What type of weathering occurs more rapidly in climates that experience frequent freezes and thaws?

It is called "frost weathering" or "freeze-thaw weathering" and occurs because water that freezes within the cracks in rocks will expand, compressing and eventually fracturing the rock.

What type of weathering is water that freezes into ice back to water and then freezes again?


Which type of weathering occurs when water seeps into cracks of rocks and freezes?

It is a form of weathering known as frost wedging.

Is a crack that expands because of water physical weathering?

If water freezes in the crack and expands, that would be physical weathering.

Is ice wedging physical weathering or chemical weathering?

Ice wedging is physical weathering. As water freezes it grows, so when water flows into cracks or holes and then freezes it causes the water to expand, which brakes apart whatever it seeped into.

What weathering occurs when water freezes and thaws in cracks in rocks?


Which type of physical weathering occurs when water seeps into into cracks of rocks and freezes?

It is a form of weathering known as frost wedging.

Which type of weathering is the result of water expanding inside the cracks of rocks when it freezes?

It is simply called freeze-thaw weathering.

What kind of weathering happens when ice forms in cracks in a rock?

When ice forms in cracks in rocks, the kind of weathering is known as mechanical weathering. The type of mechanical weathering that freezes and thaws is frost wedging.

When water freezes is it physical or chemical weathering?

Freezing is a physical process.

How does ice contribute to physical weathering?

It falls in the cracks as water and freezes. As it freezes, it expands, eroding what ever it fell into, whether its concrete or rock.

When The most common type of mechanical weathering occurs?

water freezes in a crack in a rock