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Q: Ultimately the study of international business is no different from the study of domestic business. Thus there is no point in having a separate course on international business?
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How the study of international business is not different from domestic business?

international business education is higher than ever and expected to increase as a specialist who understand the diversity of international business and is armed with a strong business school

What is the different between domestic tourism and international tourism?

International is say, overseas and domestic is in the same country but travelling to different states

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What are the different stages of international business environment?

international business (involves export and import), multinational business (adaptive, product suited to local/host market), global(coordinated product offering) and transnational business (different functional heads in different countries).

What are the differences between international business and domestic business?

domestic trade:- same currency foreign trade:- different currency are used

What is the difference between international business and domestic business?

An international business is one that operates in multiple countries. A domestic company operates in its original country without any ties to other countries.

What are the driving business forces in the international and domestic enivironment?

The main driving force in international and domestic business is customer's needs. Businesses make a profit by supplying what customers demand.

How international business effects domestic business?

International business involves trading with other countries, while domestic business is trading within a country. International business affects the cost price of goods and commodities. It also results in loss of jobs inside the country as most international business requires performing job outside the country resulting in employing workers there.

What is a domestic business and give the example of some domestic business organasations?

Domestic business is a business that was founded in the country and stays in the country like for example Texas has HEB which is domestic because its only in Texas but Mcdonalds would be international because its everywhere

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how is international financial Mgmt. different financial Mgmt.

Compare Domestic vs International business?

A domestic company is one that operates in its country of origin and an international company is one that operates in multiple countries.