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Shark attacks may occur when there's a feeding frenzy going on and a shark gets excited and ACCIDENTALLY attacks a nearby human. It can also happen when there's a surfer on a board and from under water, it looks like the surfer is a seal.... and you know, it attacks the human. Trust me.... I study this stuff in ALP.

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How many shark attacks happened in Europe?

there have been five shark attacks ever to occur in Ireland.

Where do the most shark attacks occur?

IN Hawaii

When can shark attacks occur?

anytime tube :D

How the leopard shark protects itself by?

Attacking! Most shark attacks occur, when the human is threatening the shark.

Is there shark attacks in Brazil?

yes there is. shark attacks are reported everywhere

How does a shark protect itself?

They bite. Most shark attacks occur when the person is threatening the shark.

How many shark attacks are there year?

In 2000 there were 79 reported shark attacks 11 fatal In 2005 there were 61 reported shark attacks and 2006 there were 62 reported shark attacks. The majority of the attacks occur in the US 53 in 2000 40 in 2005 and 38 in 2006.

Does the CIA track shark attacks on politiCIAns?

As with all shark attacks, shark attacks on politicians are recorded also. But that is not something that the CIA would take part in tracking.To record there are no notable shark attacks on any politicians.

Why do shark attacks occur?

the back of a shark blends in with its surroundings very well and attacking from beneth adds the element of surprise.

How do Great white sharks attack what they want to eat?

The white shark attacks his prey from under.

How many shark attacks were there in 2011?

There were 100 shark attacks in 2011. 16 were fatal.

What continent has more shark attacks?

The continent of Australia is ranked the second highest in shark attacks, and the highest in shark fatalities.