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Body odor is related to bacteria. Clean under your arms well, and shower daily. Use a soap that helps with bacteria. If the odor persists, see a doctor. Early puberty may be a factor, or the dr. might just tell you to invest in some deodorant!

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Q: Underarm smells at age 7
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How do odors enter the body?

for example your underarm smells because it has hair their so the hair will make it stink so if you have a lot of hair in a certain part of the body it will eventually stink...

Why does our little girl age 9 underarm BO smells worse than a full grown man's?

It is unusual for a child as young as nine to be experiencing BO at that age, but this shows she has hit puberty early. Personal hygiene is a must for all ages and as long as she showers every day and applies a deodrant or anti-perspirant after showering she should be fine.

What age do boys get underarm hair?

Everybody hits puberty at different ages, but it's usually in your teens.

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At what age armpit hair grow for girls?

Underarm hair begins to grow at around the age of 11-16 years old. Everyone develops differently and at different times.

Is it normal to have very little arm leg or underarm hair at age 13?

You're normal & don't worry. it will come in soon.

What age is to young to shave underarm hair?

I would personally say that there really isn't a young age. But i would say 12 is a good age to start shaving under your arm pits, but only if there is hair underneath there.

Do you add a degree when taking temperature underarm?

yes, add one degree when taking underarm temperature

What is the best remedy for underarm odor for kids?

use deodorant every morning and your underarm odors will be invisible.

Where can one find a guide on how to make underarm shields?

One can find a guide on how to make underarm shields when one goes to the website of wikihow and amazon. There one can get information of how to sew underarm shields.

How did i get White under arm hair?

Several possible causes. Some underarm products can bleach or otherwise cause it; vitilligo; yeast; age etc.