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Q: Unlike mechanical waveselectromagnetic waves can travel through a such as you would find in space?
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Unlike mechanical waves electromagnetic waves can travel through .?


Unlike mechanical waves waves do not require a medium to travel through.?


Is it true that unlike mechanical waves electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum such as you would find in space?

Correct, electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. Sunlight is an example of this.

Sound cannot travel through what?

As sound is a mechanical wave (unlike light, an electromagnetic wave), it requires a medium in which to travel, therefore, it cannot travel through a vacuum.

What do Mechanical waves must travel through?

Mechanical waves may travel through any medium except vacuum.

What do shear waves travel through?

Shear waves travel through solids. They cannot travel through liquids and gasses (unlike compressive waves) and they can't travel through a vacuum (unlike electromagnetic waves).

Is light an example of mechanical wave?

No. Light is an example of an electromagnetic wave, which can travel through a vacuum. Mechanical waves must travel through a medium, and cannot travel through a vacuum.

Mechanical waves require what?

Mechanical waves require media through which they can travel.

What do Mechanical wave's require?

Mechanical waves require media through which they can travel.

How mechanical and electromagnetic wave are different?

The biggest difference is that mechanical waves require a medium to travel through and electromagnetic waves do not.

Due mechanical waves need a medium to travel through?

Yes, mechanical waves do need a medium in order to travel. Other waves, such as light, do not (thus they can travel through space).

What waves does mechanical travel through?

A mechanical wave can travel through a medium with mass and elasticity. Examples are air and water (sound waves), earth (earthquakes).