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Q: Unstable nuclei can break apart spontaneously changing the identity of what?
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What is property in which unstable nuclei of an element spontaneously emit radiation?


Why are the nuclear structures of the actinides more important than the electron configuration's of the actinides?

Because the nuclei of actinides are unstable and spontaneously break apart, all actinides are radioactive.

Why are the nuclear configurations of the actinides more important than their electron configurations?

The nuclear structure is more important because the nuclei of actinides are unstable and spontaneously break apart

How many unstable nuclei exist in nature?

Around 1500 unstable nuclei (or radioisotopes).

What is the difference between nuclear decay fission and fusion?

decay; alpha (helium nuclei), beta (electrons or positrons), or gamma (photons) are spontaneously ejected from unstable isotopesfission; very massive unstable isotopes split into two much lighter nuclei and a few neutrons are ejected, usually happens following capture of a neutron but in some isotopes can occur spontaneouslyfusion; very light nuclei merge forming heavier nuclei, can only occur at very high temperature and pressure

LArge nuclei are unstable because?


Unstable atomic nuclei decay over time into stable nuclei causing a mineral to be?


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Where is unstable nuclei most commonly found?


Radioactivity is produced when unstable nuclei .?

Break apart

What is nuclei that has unstable decay known as?

Atomic nuclei that are unstable and decaying are said to be radioactive. Radioactive decay involves alpha, beta and gamma particle emissions.

What is the sorce of radioactivity?

The spontaneous decomposition of unstable atomic nuclei.