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The half-life is 700 million years !

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Reed Keeling

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3y ago
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15y ago

700 million years

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9y ago

Uranium 235 has a half life of about 7000 million years if 1 kg of U235 is put on a shelf in a laboratory and left for 700 million years 900 g would remain. The bigger question would be how the shelf and laboratory survived that long.

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9y ago

If a rock sample is determined to have one-quarter of the uranium-235 content it had when it formed the age of the rock sample is 1.426 billion years.

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14y ago

700 million (more exactly 703,8.106) years

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14y ago

Uranium 235 halflife: 7,038.108 years

Uranium 238 halflife: 4,468.109 years

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14y ago

The full decay chain of 235U takes about 70,413,000 years. It can be seen at the related link below. (It actually starts with 239Pu as a precursor to 235U.)

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7y ago

Uranium 235 has a half-life of 700 million years.

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14y ago

2.1 billion years old

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7y ago

704 million years.

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Q: Uranium-235 has a half life of?
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You say 'I've missed Half my life' which is short for : "I have missed half my life'

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The term is called half-life. It is the time it takes for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay.

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Buy Half Life: Source Or Buy Garrysmod a Half-Life 2 Modification and get the addon "Half-Life Rennaisance" Link to Half Life Rennaisance: Enjoy!