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With trepidation , I approached my formidable adversary to challenge her about the intimations she had been voicing about my character.

His trepidation during thunderstorms was so intense that he broke out into cold sweats and panic attacks.

We must face the enemy without trepidation if we are to win this battle.

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14y ago
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12y ago

"With trepidation, I entered the principle's office".

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13y ago

The timorous child has his mother check under his bed for monsters.

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14y ago

Ms. Demiaolo had no trepidation.

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15y ago

She was full of trepidation.

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feeling of trepidation

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10y ago

A state of fear or anxiety

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Q: Use trepidation in a sentence
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How do you use trepidation in sentence?

"With trepidation, I entered the principle's office".

How would one use the word trepidation in a sentence?

Will one may have trepidation in using this exact word in this sentence. One would use the word trepidation when setting a scene in a story, where a character is worried about entering dark woods at night for example.

What is a sentence using the word trepidation?

I felt another earthquake beginning, and I was overcome with trepidation. Trepidation caused me to allow all the skiers behind me to go down the formidable slope first.

Write a sentence using the word propinquity?

his propinquity to danger filled him with trepidation

What are the release dates for Trepidation - 2015?

Trepidation - 2015 was released on: USA: 2015

When was A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation created?

A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation was created in 2005.

What is the root of trepidation?

Trepidation=dread,fear, sudden fear, fear of what may not happen;

What is the antonym of trepidation?

Assurance, beauty, calmness, or ease. Those words are the opposite of trepidation.

What is the definition Trepidation?

It means fear, uncertainty. Such as--> "The man felt trepidation as he went to visit the doctor."

What is the past tense of trepidation?

Trepidation is a noun, that is, a person, place, or thing. The suffix "tion" is a noun suffix. Nouns do not have tenses; only verbs can have tenses.

What is the plural of trepidation?


What Is the antonym for trepidation?
