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Magnesium was used in photographic flash bulbs and also fireworks. Mercury was also used until the dangers of this metal were widely known.

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Q: Used in photographic flash bulbs because it burns to produce a brilliant white light also fireworks?
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What element is used in photographic bulbs because it burns to produce a brilliant white light?

The element used in photographic bulbs is magnesium. When burned, magnesium produces a brilliant white light that is ideal for photography.

What does salt produce in fireworks?

neutral items can produce salt.

Does Disney produce their own fireworks?

Some of the Disney Castmembers do the fireworks. :)

Why are alkaline earth metals used for fireworks?

Alkaline earth metals, such as magnesium and calcium, are used in fireworks because they produce bright and colorful flames when burned. Their high reactivity allows them to quickly release energy in the form of light, creating spectacular visual effects in fireworks displays.

Where does Diwali Fireworks produce their product?

There is no company called Diwali Fireworks. However, Diwali is known as the "Festival of Lights" observed by Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism which includes the display of fireworks.

How does social implications effect fireworks?

social implications on fireworks are because of the noise they produce. i am a pyrotechnician in Scotland, and we are always having complaints about the noise. so much that last year a councilor complained that we scared her dog so we had to have a silent show for our local guy Fawkes night, completely destroying the effect of the fireworks.

Why are fireworks pretty colors?

When Fireworks are made lots of different chemical powders are added and mixed to produce all the wonderful colours when they burn and explode.

Alkali metal used in fireworks?

One of the alkali metals used in fireworks is potassium. It is commonly used to produce a lilac or light purple color in fireworks displays. Potassium salts are often incorporated into the compositions of fireworks to achieve colorful effects.

What produces the color in fireworks?

Different compounds are responsible for producing different colors in fireworks. For example, strontium salts produce red, barium salts produce green, copper salts produce blue, and sodium salts produce yellow. When these compounds are heated, they absorb energy and then emit light in the form of colors.

Is fireworks a physical or chemical change?

Fireworks involve both physical and chemical changes. The lighting of the firework (ignition) is a chemical change that triggers a series of reactions which results in the colorful display seen (physical change) as different elements are heated and produce light.

Which gas is used in photographic flash light?

Xenon is typically used in photographic flash lights due to its ability to produce bright, intense bursts of light when electricity is passed through it.

What is the alkaline earth metal that is used to produce fireworks with bright red colors?
