

Uses of water in living things?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Plants use water when it rains and the roots absorbs the water and uses it to make food. Animals use water to bathe. They also drink water

Plants and animals get their water form rain.

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12y ago

Living creatures such as mammals, and animals that live on water benefit from water because it can give them their life. Without water, animals can die. On the other hand, fish/sharks benefit from water as water is their natural habitat and they breathe through it. Birds also need water to live, as they lose energy by flying around in the sky. Remember, us humans are animals and like us, animals need water to live.

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14y ago


Use the toilet


Wash Clothes

Wash dishes

Wash their cars

Hose their gardens

Take long and full baths

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12y ago

Water is an important source to everything living. Without it, nothing will be able to survive.

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11y ago

the uses of water in the humans is to drink because if u will not drink yo u will be dehydrated

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us humans, animals, and living things....mostly like everyone uses it!

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yeah man water is clear You can see large (macroscopic) living things in water, and many microscopic living things as well.

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The process that describes how water cycles through living things and non-living things is called the hydrologic cycle or water cycle.

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Water is essential for plant growth because it is a key component in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy to produce food. Water is also important for transporting nutrients from the soil to different parts of the plant and for maintaining turgidity, which helps the plants stand upright and support their structure. Additionally, water helps in cooling the plant through transpiration and provides a medium for various biochemical reactions within the plant.

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All living things (organisms) need water(H2O)

What will be your basis if you will classify living things and nonliving things?

Living things eat, breathe, sleep, drink water and produce offspring. Non-living things do not do any of these things. Non-living things are rocks, sand, air and water.

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living things are part of the water cycle because when ur cooking or boiling water the sun evaporates the water and then the water cycle begins

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Do not need water living things?

Some living things, like certain desert plants and animals, have adapted to survive in low-water environments by storing water in their tissues or having specialized ways of conserving water. These adaptations allow them to thrive in conditions where water availability is limited.