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Plants are living things. All living things need water.

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Q: Why is water necessary for plant growth?
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Is really soil is necessary for plant growth?

no, you can grow a plant in water

Is water needed for photosynthesis?

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What are the characteristics of eutrophication?

Eutrophication promotes excessive plant growth and decay and causes a severe reduction in water quality. Phosphorus is a necessary nutrient for plants to live, and is the limiting factor for plant growth in many freshwater ecosystems.

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Does Tab water affect the growth of a plant?

tab water is like ordanary water but it comes from pipes. but no tab water doesn't affect the growth of a plant

How does plant growth work?

by water

Does any other liquid affect plant growth?

Yes, water is one liquid that affects plant growth. Along with plain water, salt water and carbonated water can affect the growth of plants.

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Is lightning necessary for survival of mankind?

Not directly, but lightning helps fix nitrogen, which is necessary for plant growth.

Which is better bottled water or tap water for plant growth?

I have heard that bottled water is better for plant growth because tap water has too much iron in it.

What affect does salt water have on plant growth?

Slow down growth

Why is soil necessary for plant growth?

because,this is where plants get their nutrients.Without these nutrients,how can they live?:-)