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char* strcat (char* destination, const char* source) {

char* return_value = destination; // temp destination for return

while (*(destination++) != '\0'); // find end of initial destination

while ((*(destination++) = *(source++)) != '\0'); // copy source to end of destination

return return_value; // return original value of destination


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13y ago
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12y ago

char* s1 = "This is a string";

char* s2 = " and this is to be concatenated";

char* s3 = new char [strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1];

if (s3 == NULL) {... handle memory failure exception ...}

strcpy (s3, s1);

strcat (s3, s2);

cout << s3 << endl;

delete [] s3;

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Q: How do you write the concatenate the strings using pointer?
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