


C++ Programming

Questions related to the C++ Computer Programming Language. This ranges all the way from K&R C to the most recent ANSI incarnations of C++, including advanced topics such as Object Oriented Design and Programming, Standard Template Library, and Exceptions. C++ has become one of the most popular languages today, and has been used to write all sort of things for nearly all of the modern operating systems and applications." It it a good compromise between speed, advanced power, and complexity.

2,534 Questions

What is mg plus c plus o2?

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The chemical equation representing the reaction of magnesium (Mg) with oxygen (O2) to form magnesium oxide is: 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO The "c" in your equation does not have a clear designation in this context.

What is the difference between static binding and run time binding?

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Static binding occurs at compile time and refers to the linking of a method call to the method definition. Runtime binding occurs at runtime and refers to the actual method implementation that is executed based on the object type at runtime.

What is difference between Bac arrays and DNA arrays?

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BAC arrays use bacterial artificial chromosomes to clone DNA fragments for analysis, while DNA arrays use immobilized DNA sequences for high-throughput analysis of gene expression or genotyping. BAC arrays are useful for large DNA fragments, while DNA arrays are more suitable for analyzing gene expression profiles or detecting DNA variations.

Explain the difference between intermediate inheritance and codominance?

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Intermediate inheritance refers to a situation in genetics where the heterozygous phenotype is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes, such as in the case of flower color in snapdragons. Codominance, on the other hand, is a situation where both alleles of a gene are expressed fully in the heterozygous individual, resulting in a phenotype that shows traits of both alleles simultaneously, like in the case of human blood types.

Definition of sample profiling?

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Sample profiling involves analyzing a subset of the data (sample) to gain insights into the characteristics and behavior of the entire population. This technique is commonly used in market research, data analysis, and data mining to make inferences and predictions about a larger group based on the sample data. It helps to understand the key attributes, trends, and patterns to make informed decisions.

Main deffrent between c and cpp?

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C is a procedural programming language, while C++ is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports both procedural and object-oriented programming. C++ has additional features such as classes, inheritance, and polymorphism that allow for more flexible and modular code design compared to C.

What is the difference between traversal and search?

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Traversal is the process of visiting and processing each node of a data structure in a systematic way, often in a specific order, without the aim of finding a particular node. Search, on the other hand, is the process of looking for a specific node or element within a data structure based on certain criteria, such as value or key. Traversal is more concerned with exploring the structure as a whole, while search focuses on finding a specific element within the structure.

Write a program using while loop?

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//program to find the factorial value f any number using while loop


void main()


int i,n,fact=1;

printf("Enter the number\n");



while (i>=1)





printf("The factorial value=%d",fact);


the above is a program for calculating tha factorial value of any number which is entered by the user

What are the advantages of the new operator?

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The new operator in programming is used to allocate memory for a new object or instance of a class. It helps in dynamic memory allocation and object creation at runtime, allowing for flexible memory management and object instantiation in languages like Java and C++.

What are the disadvantages of scope resolution operator?

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it cannot be operator overloaded.

What is parameters in C plus plus?

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In C++, parameters are variables declared in the function's declaration and definition that receive values passed in from the function call. They are used to pass values or data into a function to be used within the function's code. Parameters allow functions to be more flexible and reusable by accepting different inputs without needing to modify the function's code.

WAP in c plus plus to implement linked list?

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Here's a C++ code snippet to implement a linked list:

#include <iostream>

struct Node {
    int data;
    Node* next;

Node* createNode(int value) {
    Node* newNode = new Node;
    newNode->data = value;
    newNode->next = nullptr;
    return newNode;

void insertNode(Node** head, int value) {
    Node* newNode = createNode(value);
    if (*head == nullptr) {
        *head = newNode;
    } else {
        Node* temp = *head;
        while (temp->next != nullptr) {
            temp = temp->next;
        temp->next = newNode;

void displayList(Node* head) {
    Node* temp = head;
    while (temp != nullptr) {
        std::cout << temp->data << " ";
        temp = temp->next;
    std::cout << std::endl;

int main() {
    Node* head = nullptr;
    insertNode(&head, 5);
    insertNode(&head, 10);
    insertNode(&head, 15);
    return 0;

This code creates a struct Node with a data variable and a next pointer. The createNode function creates a new node and returns a pointer to it. The insertNode function inserts a new node at the end of the linked list. The displayList function prints the values of all nodes in the linked list. Finally, in the main function, we create a linked list and display its elements.

What is mean by resident monitor?

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A Resident monitor (1950s-1970s) was a piece of software that was an integral part of a general-use punch card computer.

additional ;

Its main function is to control transferring of Computer from one job to another job

How can you input data and files into the computer?

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When audio signals (music, speech, etc) are detected by your computer's microphone, an analog (or continuous) electrical signal is generated. Computers work with digital data, so...there is a device in most computers called an analog-to-digital converter. This chip (or part of a chip) has the ability to sample the analog signal, calculate its amplitude, and return the value to a program (which the displays it, stores it on disk, mixes it, or does a multitude of other things).

This hardware capability is usually built-in to a computer or is a part of a sound card (like a SoundBlaster, etc), while the program is usually something like a Windows' Sound Recorder, audacity, etc.

Difference between connection - oriented and connectionless services?

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Two distinct techniques are used in data communications to transfer data. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. They are the connection-oriented method and the connectionless method:

  • Connection-oriented Requires a session connection (analogous to a phone call) be established before any data can be sent. This method is often called a "reliable" network service. It can guarantee that data will arrive in the same order. Connection-oriented services set up virtual links between end systems through a network, as shown in Figure 1. Note that the packet on the left is assigned the virtual circuit number 01. As it moves through the network, routers quickly send it through virtual circuit 01.
  • Connectionless Does not require a session connection between sender and receiver. The sender simply starts sending packets (called datagrams) to the destination. This service does not have the reliability of the connection-oriented method, but it is useful for periodic burst transfers. Neither system must maintain state information for the systems that they send transmission to or receive transmission from. A connectionless network provides minimal services.

What is std test?

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STD Testing is for testing specific sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis in men or from the cervix in women. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory.

Screening is important, because if you don't have signs or symptoms, you can be unaware that you have either infection.

What is the effect of the message cout?

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the effect of the message cout is to indicated that person whom you sending a message to what you trying to say for him to understand and clear but in other term the message cout doesn't affect the other person

'write a simple program for stack operation in c plus plus?

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void push(int y) { if(top>stackSize) { cout<<"stack full"<<endl; return; } else { top++; stack[top]=y; } } int pop() { int a; if(top<=0) { cout<<"stack is empty"<<endl; return 0; } else { a=stack[top]; top--; } return(a); }

'how to write a counter program to count from 50 to 300 using while reception?

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I'm going to assume you mean a while loop

using namespace std;


int main()


int ct = 50;

while(ct <= 300)





return 0;


What is a compiler in c program?

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The compiler is software that allows any high-level language to be translated into the machine language, compilers are language specific, i.e. C language has its own compiler which will translate the code written in C language to the machine language, compiler for Java will do the same task for the Java code

Can you give an example of a transparent object?

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If something is transperent it means that u can see through it, and light can be able to pass through it. If a speach is transparent; it means it was made clearly and so easy for people to understand.

Class of 2011 saying?

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Hotter than fire

Higher than Heaven

We're the Class of "2011"

2011..So nice, we're number 1 twice!

Why can't a c plus plus class be derived from a Java class?

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A C++ class cannot be directly derived from a Java class because C++ and Java are two distinct programming languages with different object-oriented models and memory management systems. Here are some reasons why direct inheritance between C++ and Java classes is not


Language Syntax and Semantics:

Syntax Differences: C++ and Java have different syntax rules and conventions. For example, C++ uses pointers extensively, while Java relies on references. The way classes are declared, constructors and destructors are defined, and methods are called is different in the two languages.

Memory Management: Java uses automatic memory management (garbage collection) to manage memory, while C++ allows manual memory management using pointers and explicit memory deallocation. These differences make it challenging to reconcile memory management approaches in inheritance.

Runtime Environment:

JVM vs. Native Code: Java code is executed in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which abstracts the underlying hardware. C++ compiles to native machine code. Inheriting a Java class in C++ would require bridging the gap between the JVM and native code, which is a complex task.

Platform Dependencies:

Platform-Specific Code: C++ and Java applications are compiled for specific platforms. Inheriting a Java class in C++ would lead to platform-specific issues, as the two languages are not designed to interoperate seamlessly at the class level.

Type System:

Strong vs. Weak Typing: Java has a strong, statically-typed system where types are checked at compile-time. C++ has a more flexible, statically-typed system with additional features like operator overloading and multiple inheritance. This difference in type systems makes direct inheritance challenging.

Standard Libraries:

Standard Libraries: Java and C++ have different standard libraries and core classes. Inheriting a Java class in C++ would require translating Java-specific classes and methods into their C++ equivalents, which is a non-trivial task.

Garbage Collection:

Garbage Collection: Java's automatic garbage collection conflicts with C++'s manual memory management. Mixing the two in an inheritance hierarchy could lead to memory leaks and undefined behavior.

In summary, while it is possible to create systems that allow communication between Java and C++ components (e.g., using JNI - Java Native Interface), directly inheriting a Java class in C++ or vice versa is impractical and fraught with complexities due to the fundamental differences in the two languages' design and execution environments. "AchieversIT" can provide training in both Java and C++ to help you understand these languages in-depth and explore ways to integrate them when necessary.

List of application on queue?

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1.print server. 2.disk driver.