

Using a hubble telescope how old is the universe?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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13.7555 billion years.

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Q: Using a hubble telescope how old is the universe?
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What is the age of the universe according to hubble telescope?

The universe is roughly 14 billion years old.

What has the Hubble space telescope discovered in space?

Because of Hubble, we now know how big and how old the universe is. Hubble also proved the existence of Black holes and showed there are many of them. It examined the composition of a world around another star.

Is the hubble telescope 19 years old?

yes it is

If the Hubble Space Telescope works so well why not make a much bigger one and get an even better picture of the universe?

Building a larger space telescope poses significant technical and cost challenges. The James Webb Space Telescope, set to launch in 2021, will be larger than Hubble and offer improved capabilities for observing the universe. Each telescope is designed with specific goals and limitations, and future telescopes may continue to advance our understanding of the cosmos in different ways.

Who did Edwin Hubble marry?

Astronomer, Edwin Hubble, married Grace Burke on February 26, 1924. A veteran of the United States Army, Hubble is remembered for Hubble's Law, which tells us the universe is expanding. The Hubble Space Telescope is named after him.

What is the James Webb space telescope going to study?

The James Webb Space Telescope will study a wide range of astronomical phenomena, including the formation of the first galaxies, the evolution of stars and galaxies, the composition of exoplanet atmospheres, and the potential for life on other planets. It will also investigate the origins of planetary systems, the structure of the universe, and the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

How old is the telescope?

After several years in construction, the Hubble Space Telescope was placed in orbit during a Space Shuttle mission in April, 1990.

How old is the hubble space telescope?

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into orbit aboard NASA's space shuttle Discovery (mission STS-31) on April 24, 1990.The Hubble Space Telescope was originally meant to be launched in 1986, but the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger delayed the launch until April 24th 1990.The Hubble telescope is now seen as one of the most versatile telescopes in space. After it was launched in 1990, astronomers had a chance to change and improve the telescope through missions by astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle.

Hubbles revised figure is that the universe is only 8 billion years old and the hubble site says the telescope can see for 20 billion years What is going on?

The accepted age of the Earth is about 14.5 billion years. I have not seen the figures that you cite.

How can the universe be only some 14 billion years old when it can be contemplated that it could be 20 or 30 or more billions of years old?

The universe is actually about 15 billion years old. I'm not sure where you got the statistic that the Hubble Space Telescope can see 20 billion light years into space; I think you're off by a factor of three or so.

How do you use the word retrofit in a sentence?

It is easier to build accessibility into the design rather than having to retrofit a solution. He tried to retrofit a fuel injection system into his old Mercedes. The retrofit using new lenses effectively repaired the Hubble Telescope.

What are the methods to investigate the universe?

The universe can be explored by astronomical instruments called telescopes, and by space probes sent from earth to other planets. When using telescopes astronomers try to look at the energy being produced by the universe not just in the visible part of the spectrum (where our eyes can see) but at the whole range of electromagnetic radiation. We thus have radio telescopes, infrared telescopes, X-ray telescopes and even some telescopes that are buried deep underground looking for neutrinos.I would like to add one more additional method for investigating universe, it just appeared in my brain.well the method is being used in large hadron collider(which is a particle collider), in which smallest particle of any atom are collided at very high tells us about the born of the universe, dat how did it happen.They say "At Cern, the Large Hadron Collider could recreate conditions that last prevailed when the universe was less than a trillionth of a second old. It has massive particle detectors called the Compact Muon Solenoid."By the wonderful Maddi3000Hubble telescope:There are many telescopes that are strong enough to view space the main telescope is the Hubble telescope which was sent off in 1990, The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a Space Shuttle in 1990 and remains in operation. A 2.4 meter (about 8 ft.) aperture telescope in low Earth orbit, Hubble's four main instruments observe in the near ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared. The telescope is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble.Satellite:There are many methods used to investigate the universe, the main thing that is used to observe is all the different satellites that orbit around the earth that also have telescopes attached to them.Radio telescope:A radio telescope is a form of directional radio antenna used in radio astronomy. The same types of antennas are also used in tracking and collecting data from satellites and