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No bleach will remain effective

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Q: Using bleach regular does it looses its effectiveness?
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Related questions

How do you remove bleach spots carpet using peroxide?

You can't remove bleach spots using a different bleach.

Can mixing birth controls reduce the effectiveness?

No, using two methods of birth control increases effectiveness or leaves effectiveness unchanged.

As long as it's bleach will it kill germs?

Bleach is very well known as a disinfectant. Yes bleach kills germs! Its effectiveness is all about the strength, if you are using straight bleach or diluting it in water. A solution of one part bleach to 10 parts water is strong enough to kill the HIV/AIDS virus. When I was still working in home health, our nurses kept a spray bottle with this solution with them at all times to disinfect any areas where an AIDS patient had bled, etc. This solution is not only approved by OSHA, but is recommended.

How much bleach is too much bleach?

Depending on what you are using bleach for, it will change how much bleach is too much. Find directions to see what the recommendation is for your usage.

Can you put highlights in your hair without using bleach?

Aside from bleach, you can also use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to bleach hair.

Can you bleach your hair wth peroxide?

It is possible to lighten the hair using regular hydrogen peroxide, but it will only lift about one level and will need to be repeated multiple times for a very light shade to result. Hair bleach + developer is the best way to go for lightening hair.

Can you mix bleach and drano?

No, you cannot mix both bleach and Drano due to safety reasons. If you really want bleach then first use the Drano and then wait before using the bleach.

When using bleach to disinfect toys what is the correct ratio?

1 tbs of bleach to 1 gallon of water.

Can you bleach your hair using liquid bleach?

Yes you can, but I wouldn't recommend it. The hair may also dissolve.

What are the advantages of using a GPS watch for women?

GPS watches for woman or men offer the same effectiveness and convinence that regular gps watches. Good luck in your search for these watches. Sorry I could be of no further help.

Using the pH scale sea water and bleach solutions are?

seawater is 8 and i believe bleach is somewhere near 12

Can you put bleach on your knee for a wasp sting?

I wouldn't recommend using bleach on your skin for anything ever...Try vinegar.