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a general sales tax

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Q: Using income as a tax base what is regressive tax?
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A regressive tax is BEST defined as a rate of tax?

A regressive tax is a rate of tax that falls as the income rises.

What type of tax is one that takes a smaller percentage of income from high-income people than from low-income people?

A regressive tax is one that takes a smaller percentage of income from high-income people than from low-income people. In a regressive tax system, as income increases, the percentage of income paid in taxes decreases.

With this tax the tax rate decreases as the tax base increases?


With this tax the tax rate decreases as the tax base increases.?


Tax rate decreases as tax base increases?


Is an income tax a progressive shared proportional or regressive tax?

progressive shared

A regressive tax will tend to redistribute income more?


Is the federal income tax proportional progressive or regressive?

The federal income tax is progressive A tax that charges more for higher incomes

Is an Excise Tax a regressive tax or progressive tax?

Excise taxes are regressive taxes. Say a rich person and a poor person buy the same amount of cigarettes and pay the same cost (the excise tax does not change with income level). The tax assesed on the cigarettes represents a larger percentage of the poor person's income than the rich person's income, hence a regressive tax model.

Who would pay the most as a portion of income under a regressive tax?

Under a regressive tax your tax rate goes down as you make more money. (Total Tax Paid) / (Income) = (Percent of income paid). As the tax rate goes down, the more you make the lower this number will be.

How do you use the word regressive in a sentence?

A tax is called regressive if the tax rate is higher on persons of lower income or wealth than on those of higher income or wealth. A lack of reliable electricity has had a regressive impact on the use of technology in the Third World.

In what year was Regressive Tax introduced?

There is no particular year recorded when Regressive tax was first introduced. This is due to the fact that it is a uniform tax that affects low and high income earners equally.