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Q: Using ohm's law express conductance in terms of current and voltage?
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What is the current through a 400 ohm resistor with 6 volts across it?

Use Ohm's Law - in this case, solving for current: I = V/R (current = voltage divided by resistance). Since you are using standard SI units, the answer will be in amperes.

How are voltage and current related?

Power = voltage x current x power factor. In DC, the power factor is one, so you can omit it. In AC, depending on the circuit elements used, the power factor is quite often so close to one that you can omit it as well.

What device raises voltage?

Depending on your application... Use a voltage dividor (two resistors) if it doesn't draw a lot of current. You could also try a voltage regulator or using an op amp as a buffer, with the input the voltage you want. That voltage could come from a voltage divider, since op amps draw extremely low current.

How is ohms law used in a sentence?

I'm not quite sure what context you mean. V=IR to explain this in words you would simply say the voltage (V) of a circuit would be equal to the current (I) multiplied by the resistance(R). a practical example could be, if the resistance in a circuit was 2 and the current was 12 what is the voltage? well using Ohms law we would simply do (2 * 12) the voltage would be 24. [note, i do not know if that would work in real life it's just a example using numbers] you can aslo rearrange V=IR to work out how to calculate current and resistance V=IR I = V/R. Current equals votlage divided by resistance R=V/I. Resistance equals voltage divided by current hope this helps

How was current produce or induced?

Current is induced and not produced. when an electric wire is passed through magnetic field the current is induced in the electric wire, this electric wire is enamelled copper conductor of a rotor.AnswerCurrent is never 'induced' into a conductor. It is a voltage that is induced. If that conductor is then part of a complete circuit, then the induced voltage will cause a current to flow. The induced voltage will occur even when the conductor is open circuited.

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How does a multimeter mesure the amount of electrolytes in a drink?

Using an circuit involving a 9V battery and snap connector, a conductance sensor made of small plastic tubing and copper wire, and alligator clips, the conductance sensor is placed in the drink to be measured, and the electrolytes close the circuit. The multimeter can then read off the ampage you need to determine conductance using G = I/V, G being conductance in siemens, I being ampage, and V being voltage.

How do you find conductance using ohms law?

To find the conductance using ohms law,you take the inverse of the resistance(/R)

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When using the Op-amp we get constant current generation of the linear sweep voltage.

What assumption are taken to analyze a transistor using h-parameter?

The output conductance is assumed to tend to infinity and the collector current is assumed to be equal to beta multiplied by the base current.

What is the dimensional formula for current?

One way to calculate current is using ohms law; current equals voltage divided by resistance or: I=V/R Where I is current, V is voltage and R is resistance.

How does ac dc power supplies work?

The mains to the house is an alternating current and this high voltage is stepped down using a transformer. The low voltage secondary alternating current is converted to direct current using 4 diodes wired as a bridge rectifier. The 'lumpy' direct current is smoothed using an electrolytic capacitor to smooth the resulting dc. It may need to be voltage regulated if the circuits it feeds are voltage sensitive.

If the resistance of an electric current is 12 ohms and the voltage in the current is 60 V the current flowing through the circuit is?

..using the formula Voltage(V)=Current(I) * Resistance(R) .. we can get the result ...current will be 5 Ampere

What does the size of a current depend upon?

One way to determine current is to measure it, with an ammeter. Another way is to calculate it using Ohm's law: current = voltage / resistance.

Will a photocell work using dc voltage?

it creates a dc current

Why high-voltage current measurement using a common meter is not recommended?

A common meter cannot withstand high voltage current if it is not rated to do so it will be damaged due to excessive current

What is the current drop across the resistor?

The correct question is what is the voltage drop across a resistor or the current flowing through the resistor using Ohm's Law where Voltage = Current x Resistance