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because one has a tube in it and others do not

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Q: Vascular plants can grow taller and thicker than mosses because they have?
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Why do Vascular plants grow taller and thicker than mosses?

Beacause they have a tube to carry food and water, while mosses do not

Are mosses vascular or nonvascular?

Mosses are non-vascular because they have no vascular tissue inside of them. That is why mosses need to live near moist areas so they can absorb the water directly because they don't have long roots to absorb the water.

Mosses are considered to be non-vascular plants because?

their vascular tissue is very simple

How do the size of moss moss fern plants differ?

Ferns are vascular plants. They contain vascular strands that allow water and nutrients to be transferred throughout the the plant. Mosses lack the vascular strands(or tissue) causing the mosses to have a much smaller stature because they are not able to transfer nutrients very well.

Which types of plants are vascular?

The trees are vascular and the mosses are not vascular :):):):)

Do nonvascular plants include horse tails and mosses?

Mosses and liverworts are non-vascular. Horsetails are vascular plants.

Mosses and liverworts are what plants?


Do mosses have secondary growth?

No, mosses do not have secondary growth. Secondary growth takes place in vascular plants. Mosses are non-vascular.

Is daisy non vascular or vascular?

They are vascular plants. All angiosperms, or flowering plants are vascular. Only group of plants that are non vascular is mosses.

Are mosses bryophyte?

Yes, mosses are bryophytes. Bryophytes are a group of non-vascular plants that include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Mosses are small, flowerless plants that typically grow in dense green clumps or mats in moist environments.

What is a difference between a fern and a moss?

mosses are non-vascular plants and ferns are vascular seedless plants

What is the difference between a moss and fern?

mosses are non-vascular plants and ferns are vascular seedless plants