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The answer for whatever exam you are taking is "premium".

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Q: Vehicle owners purchase insurance from an insurance company by paying a?
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Can coverage on a non-owners auto insurance policy be extended to a company car that I drive?

No, Non Owners often referred to as Named Driver insurance never covers a company vehicle. It is the responsibility of your company to provide insurance for it's employees when driving a company vehicle.

Is Auto Owners Insurance Company a parent company of Utica Mutual Insurance Group?

No. Auto-Owners is the parent company of Owners Insurance, Southern-Owners Insurance, Property Owners Insurance, Home-Owners Insurance, Auto-Owners Life Insurance. They have no affliation with Utica

What is gap insurance?

GAP insurance is coverage that covers the difference between the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident and the amount that is owed on the loan at the time of the accident. GAP insurance can be purchased from the finance company or from the persons insurance company. Usually it is much cheaper to get it from the insurance company.

If someone buys non-owner auto insurance because of an SR22 whose vehicle may they legally drive?

Non Owners Auto Insurance CoverageNon-Owners Insurance allows you to drive non owned vehicles with some exceptions. Non owners Insurance will Not cover you in any vehicle that belongs to a member of your household nor any vehicle to which you have regular access. It will also not cover you in a rental car or any type of commercial or company vehicle at all, owned or non-owned. Non Owners Policies are Personal Lines insurance designed for unplanned and unexpected vehicle use by an occasional driver. Non owners auto insurance is drivers policy and is secondary coverage to any insurance carried by the vehicle owner.

Do you have to have insurance on a car before you can change owners?

A vehicle can be titled without insurance, but must be insured before getting a tag or registration. Exception: If a car still has a lien from a financing company, the car may have to be insured to change owners.

Non owners insurance- can you get registration tags?

NO, Non Owners insurance is seconday coverage. No pimary covered Vehicle is implied.

What type of insurance does the Auto Owners Insurance Company provide?

Auto Owners Insurance Company seems to provide their customers with many different policies. They have Auto, Life, home owners, contents and renters insurance available for all budgets.

What happens if you are in a car accident and you are rear end by someone with no license in a company vehicle and they gave him permission to drive and you are injured?

If the person driving the vehicle was doing so with the owners permission, IN MOST PLACES, the owner and the owners insurance company are financially responsible and you should be able to sue and get compensation.

Do all business owners need commercial auto insurance?

The only time you would not need it is if your personal auto insurance policy already covers you for your business use. If they would not cover then you need to purchase commercial insurance for that vehicle.

Can you have non-owners sr22 insurance on an auto and a motorcycle in South Carolina?

No, Non-Owners insurance, with or without an SR22 filing, As the name implies indicates that you do not own or regularly operate a vehicle. Non-Owners coverage is only secondary coverage to any insurance already on the vehicle being operated. You can not have Non-Owners Insurance on a car nor a motorcycle because to buy the non-owners policy you must declare that you own no vehicle nor do you regulary operate an uninsured vehicle. If you own or regularly drive a vehicle, You must obtain appropriate liability coverage on that vehicle whether you own it or not. Non-Owners Insurance only covers you for un-planned, un-expected vehicle use. It will not cover you in any vehicle belonging to household member nor in any vehicle to which you have ready access.

Is QBE owners of stock for meritplan insurance company?

is QBE first stockholders in meritplan insurance company

If you have non owners insurance but there is no insurance on the vehicle not in your name can you get a no insurance ticket in Washington state?

The registered owner of the vehicle can, the driver of the vehicle (as long as they have no ownership interest) can not. Right ticket, wrong recipient.