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She probably has the head mold design that was patented in 1975 but used for many years after.

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Q: Victorian lady barbie doll she is marked 1975 on the back of the neck Is this a missprint since she didnt come out until 1995?
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they didnt invent toilets then s9o they threw it out side (which was the streets)

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We have plastic dolls whereas they have china dolls /we have electrical toys whereas they didnt

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Why did they cancel the Bratz?

I am pretty sure the cancelation of Bratz is because she creater of Bratz once worked for Barbie, and the people from Barbie think that they stole their idea. but they really didnt bratz and bratz baby dolls where making more money than barbies so they claimed they copied there idea

Why did kids work in the Victorian era?

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they got paid very little, as the people who owned the factory were mean and cruel, as they were very rich. mean to children, like children didnt matter. like children didnt exist. *gasp!* what if we dont well i never saw it wait what if we wer- *ehem* sorry!

What type of houses did rich Victorian children live in?

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Why does isacc larian have to stop making bratz?

It's all because the barbies were thinking of a name to call themselves and they thought of the name Bratz but DIDNT USE IT AND DIDNT LIKE IT! So Isaac Larian wanted to make a collection of dolls and named them a Bratz. But he got sued for it! THAT IS SO STUPID. IF BARBIE WASN'T USING THE NAME AND DIDNT WANT IT, THEN HOW COME ISSAC LARIAN CANT USE THE NAME? -But that's the reason why.