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Yes, but many people do not have enough Vitamin D. The big "D" is produced when the cholesterol in your skin is exposed to sunlight, and turns into vitamin d. NOT having enough Vitamin D can cause serious problems such as depression (making anxiety an issue), fatigue, bone softening diseases like rickets and osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and even schizophenia. 600 IUS is the recommended dosage for adults. I would also ask a doctor what they recommend, because depending on where you live the more or less IUS you will need. Also you can get Vitamin D through food intake such as cheese, butter and egg yolk.

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Sunlight or vitamin D supplement.

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Which vitamin can not be made in human body?

vitamin D

Which vitamin can be made in the body after exposure to ultraviolet UV rays from the sun?

Vitamin D. It is made from cholesterol in response to extended exposure to sunlight.

What factors limit the amount of vitamin d that can be made by the body?

The body needs to have sunlight on the skin, to make vitamin D.

Which vitamin can be made in the body after exposure from ultraviolet rays from the sun?

vitamin D

How do you reduce vitamin D in body?

The only way to reduce vitamin D in the body is to stop intake of vitamin D.

Is everything called a vitamin a vitamin?

No, vitamins are by definition an essential nutrient that cannot be made by the body in sufficient quantities. Vitamin D is not really a vitamin. The human body can produce this nutrient and it is actually a hormone, not a vitamin.

What two vitamins can your body make?

Vitamins are organic substances that can't be made by the body, so they have to be eaten. Exceptions to this are vitamin D, vitamin K, biotin, and folic acid. These vitamins are present in certain foods, but our bodies have other ways of obtaining them. skin and kidneys are involved in making vitamin D, and that good-guy bacteria in the intestines make vitamin K. Bacteria in the intestine also manufacture biotin and folic acid.

Can vitamins be made up in the body?

Vitamin D is the only vitamin that can be produced by our body and so the necessary supply for most vitamins comes from our diet..

Which vitamin is synthesized in your body by sun rays?

vitamin d

What vitamin is synthesized in the skin with exposure to the sunlight?

Vitamin D is produced by ultraviolet radiation on your skin. The UV light converts a precursor molecule to vitamin D.

Why do elderly people need more vitamin d?

Vitamin D is needed for calcium to be made useful in the body (for instance in bones). As you get older you tend to lose calcium from the bones and it becomes necessary to try and prevent this by ensuring that there is enough calcium in the diet and that this calcium is usable by the body. Vitamin D is made in the body by the action of UV sunlight on the fat layers just under the skin. If there is not enough exposure to sunlight the body becomes short of vitamin D and bode deformities can occur in growing children (rickets). Therefore in the young and the old it is important that both Calcium and vitamin D are present in the diet.

What is the physiology of vitamin D in the body?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it is able to be dissolved in fat.