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nerve fibres

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Q: Voluntary muscles receive the singnal to contract or relax from thr brain people make the decision to make a movement and the signal is sent from the brain down through the?
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Related questions

Which muscle type is voluntary in action?

The skeletal muscle is the only type of muscle which is voluntary.

What conscious decision to contract a muscle group or initiate a movement?

Skeletal (or striated) muscles

What you control the movement of these muscles?

voluntary muscles

What do you control the movement of these muscles?

voluntary muscles

How does a normal voluntary muscle movement take place?

easy you contract anyone of your body's muscles either in your arm your leg etc.

How do voluntary muscles create movement?

An example of using voluntary muscles is when you lift your arm. You have decided to do this action.

What muscles do you control the movement of?

they are called caultonary muscles. YOU want to use them


The voluntary muscles - those used for walking moving and speaking. As opposed to involuntary muscles such as those in your intestine or heart.

Is your backbone a voluntary or a involuntary?

Neither. The terms voluntary and involuntary apply to muscles, and the backbone isn't a muscle. The muscles that control its movement are voluntary as you can consciously control them.

What is another name for skeletal muscles?

skeletal muscles are defined as attached to the bones of the skeleton and make body movement possible. they are also known as striated muscles and they are voluntary muscles, meaning you can control any movement.

What type of muscle attaches to the skeletal system and allows movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscles attach to the skeleton and allow movement. In contrast, smooth muscles are not under voluntary control.

How are voluntary and involuntary muscle different from each other?

Generally, voluntary muscles are striated and skeletal muscles, while involuntary muscles are smooth muscles and are visceral (located in organs). Voluntary muscles are muscles that can be consciously contracted, while involuntary muscles are muscles that are contracted at certain times or at all times without the conscious consent of the brain.