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Voyager 2 discovered 5 new moons and 4 new rings around Neptune.

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Q: Voyager 2 discovered new moons and rings around me in 1989?
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Voyager 2 found new moons and rings around this planet?


How many moons and rings does Neptune have?

Neptune has 13 known moons and a ring system with 5 principal rings, which were discovered in 1989 by the Voyager 2 space probe. (see related question)

How were Neptune's rings discovered and when?

It is top classified information that only the government and the NASA association can now about it

What planet did Voyager 2 discover new moons and rings around it in 1989?

jupiter had it's rings found by nassa

List three discoveries made by the voyager space probe?

the discoveries of the probes include new information about the motions of Jupiter's atmosphere and the discovery of three new moons. Voyager probes also discovered that Jupiter has faint dust rings around it and that one of its moons has volcanoes on it.

Who discovered Neptune's rings?

neptune's rings were discovered by Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989

Which planet did Voyager 2 discover moons and rings around it in 1989?

According to this website,, Neptune. If you mean rings, Saturn.

Who discovered all four rings in Neptune?

neptune's rings were discovered by Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989Rate This Answer

On which planet did voyager discover 2 new moons and rings in 1989?


How did Jupiter get its rings?

It's thought that Jupiter's rings, similar to Saturn's, are the result of rocky debris in orbit around the planet that collides both with other debris and with some of Jupiter's 67 or more moons. Jupiter's rings are much less prominent than Saturn's, and were only discovered in 1979 by the Voyager I space probe.

Who discovered the rings of Jupiter?

The planetery rings of Jupiter were first observed by the Voyager 1 probe in 1979.

Who discovered staturn's ring?

The rings of Saturn have puzzled astronomers since Galileo Galilei discovered them with his telescope in 1610. Detailed study by the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft in the 1980s only increased the mystery. There are thousands of rings made of up billions of particles of ice and rock. The particles range in size from a grain of sugar to the size of a house. The rings are believe to be pieces of comets, asteroids or shattered moons that broke up before they reached the planet. Each ring orbits at a different speed around the planet.