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Is the ox drawn plow still use today?

i believe that the ox and plough are still in use today. athough there aremt as many around now bcause of tractors and the ploughs that they can plough, ut in small little counrties they still use the ox and plough.

What is an ox-drawn plow?

A plough is a tool used in farming in preparation for sowing seed or planting. The Egyptians invented in the ox drawn ploughs to help in their agricultural duties. The ox drawn plough was used to plant furrows in the ground whereas a person at the back would scatter seeds. This method would enable them to plant faster and have a higher success rate.

Advantages and disadvantages of disc ploughs?

Disc ploughs are farm implements used for primary tillage to break up soil and prepare it for planting. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of disc ploughs: Advantages: High efficiency: Disc ploughs are known for their high efficiency in breaking up hard soils, making them suitable for large scale farming operations. Better weed control: Disc ploughs help to uproot weeds and unwanted plants, which leads to better weed control in fields. Improved soil structure: The ploughing action of disc ploughs helps to improve the soil structure by breaking up compacted soil, which can improve water infiltration and aeration. Reduced soil erosion: The ploughing action of disc ploughs helps to reduce soil erosion by breaking up soil compaction, which reduces the risk of soil runoff. Disadvantages: High power requirements: Disc ploughs require a high amount of power to operate, which means that they are typically used with larger tractors. High maintenance: Disc ploughs have many moving parts that can wear out quickly, requiring regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Poor performance on rocky soils: Disc ploughs are not suitable for rocky soils as the discs can become damaged by rocks and stones. High fuel consumption: Due to the high power requirements of disc ploughs, they tend to consume more fuel than other tillage implements. In summary, disc ploughs are efficient and effective implements for primary tillage operations, but they have some disadvantages such as high power requirements, high maintenance, and poor performance on rocky soils.

What tasks do you think were assigned to the dog and the ox?

Oxes have been used in history to pull ploughs and sometimes as a source of meat or milk. Dogs were originally domesticated as a hunting aide and to guard against intruders.

What is stronger a ox or cow?

An ox is a castrated bull that is trained to pull carts, wagons, ploughs, etc. Cows are mature female bovines that have had at least two calves. Cows are primarily used for producing calves, and for those used in dairy production, for producing milk.

What are grapnels Bruces danforths ploughs?

a grape

How wide is an ox?

Ox wide is how wide is an ox.

What animal is 1974?

an ox an ox haha ITS A OX

Three sentences on ox?

An ox was all alone in a field. One ox met another ox. They were no longer an ox and another ox but had become a pair of oxen.

What is the possessive form of ox?

The possessive singular of the singular noun ox is ox's.Example: She placed a string of bells around the ox's neck.

What is another word for an ox?

a nother name for an ox is an oxi or oxes or ox a mother ox is called a ox a male called oxi and more than one ox oxes

What pulls plows?

Tractors normally pull ploughs (plows).