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What is the pasific ocean?

it is a area with water surround by our country america

What bodies of water surround South American?

The South Atlantic, North Atlantic, and South Pacific ocean surround South America.

What are the bodeis of water in Paris France?

i dont know ask google not answers what are u crazy

Do any bodies of water surround North Dakota's borders?

North Dakota is land locked as it is the geographical center of North America. If you're talking rivers, the Red River of the North flows from the south to the north along the eastern edge of the state separating it from Minnesota.

What bodeis of water are in Texas?

The major bodies of water in Texas include the Rio Grande, Red River and the Brazos River.

What bodies of water surround north America?

North America is surrounded by several bodies of water. The Atlantic Ocean is to the east and the Pacific Ocean is to the west. To the north is Labrador Sea, Hudson Bay and Beaufort Sea. To the south is the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

What is the largest water shed in north America?

what is the largest water shed in north america

What are the causes of water degradation?

pollution,floods,non-biodegradable wastes thrown in water bodeis

What two bodies of water surround South America?

Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean

What bodies of water surround the New Hebrides?

There are two bodies of water that surround the New Hebrides. The Coral Sea and the South Pacific Ocean surround it. The Coral sea is to the west and south west. The Pacific ocean is to the the East, and North.

What two bodies of water surround Spain?

The Mediterranean sea and the north Atlantic ocean

Which bodies of water surround Germany?

Germany has a coastline on the Baltic Sea and on the North Sea