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You should find another connection.

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Q: WHAT CAN you do with your dsi if you were using internet and your dsi does not respond to any command?
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You can not at this time.

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Use ping command to check the connectivity to any of the known DNS servers of the Internet Service Provider. If ping fails, then there is no internet connectivity or network is not through.

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In networking every system has a associated address to be identified in the network. The address associated with the system in network is called IP address . you can get your unique address by using PING command in command prompt or can check it online as well.

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"The disadvantage of using online applications is that, if the internet goes down for any reason, you will not be able to finish your work, without an internet connection."

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yes, check on the internet.

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YouTube would be my best answer. Using Internet Explorer use RealPlayer to download any Commercials you can find.

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Today’s life without internet is nothing . every men attached in internet many ways .... but question is that safe for using internet without any protection answer is no then but we have do use any kind antivirus. The best protection is we use our computer,mobile or any kind electrical instrument for using internet

Do you have to pay for using hotspot?

AT&T: If you are using the wifi service, and not the AT&T provided internet service, then you should not incur any charges.