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What do you call a place where for keeping and breeding insects?

Beekeepers keep and breed bees. They build large homes for the bees that are considered to be bee hives. The bees live and work in these man made beehives just the same as those they build.

Who raises bees?

Beekeepers are people who raise bees. They are scientist who are generally studying bees' behavior. Some people keep bees to get honey, as well.

Person who raises bees?

Beekeepers are people who raise bees. They are scientist who are generally studying bees' behavior. Some people keep bees to get honey, as well.

Who is the one who keeps bees?

A beekeeper or an apiarist an apiculturist. These are all names for people who keep bees.

How do people keep honey bees as a hobby?

Because they want to

Does ammonia keep bees away?

Ammonia will not keep bees away or kill them. If you have a problem with bees on your property, contact a pest control company.

How do you stop your cat from chasing bees?

keep it inside where no bees can get in

What is the box the beekepers keep the bees' in?

Bees are kept in a a hive, a beehive.

How long can pollen stored in honeycomb keep bees alive?

The lifetime of the colony is the length of time that pollen stored in the honeycomb will keep bees alive. Bees make the honeycomb so that the cells will survive inclement weather and natural enemies. The nectar and pollen reserves service that generation that procures them and those that are being raised and that will be born that year.

Where do sand bees keep there nests?

How to Kill Sand Bees. Sand bees or ground bees burrow down into the soil to build their hives.

Can you keep bees in Moreno Valley?

of course you can bees help every thing. If there were no bees you would be standing in polyester.

What kind of bees do beekeepers keep?

Beekeepers keep honeybees.