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What does science only address?

what is observable

What is the science that focuses on observable behavior only?

Behaviorism focuses on observable behavior.

Can an observable or measurable change but not a change in identity?


Difference bewteen physical property and chemical property?

a physical properties are observable, while a chemical property is known when mixed with chemicals

How is philosophy not the same thing as science?

Unlike science, philosophy is not based on observable truths or known facts.

What is an observable property of many acids?

the react with metals to release hydrogen gas

What is the defenation of science?

There are other answers, but here's one: Science is the systematic accummulation of knowledge about the observable world which has features of self-correction to it.

Light has what properties?

Light has both wave and particle properties. In some cases, the wave property is observable (Young's double slit experiment) and in other cases, the particle property is observable (photoelectric effect).

What is a property of science and what are the most important things about them?

A property of science is a characteristic of something, like the color of a lid.

When table salt is dissolved in water what observable property of water changes?

The water becomes a bit opaque and translucent

What is a microscopic property?

microscopic property is related tot he structure and arrangment of atoms and molecules. it is observable For example: particles that are tigtly together causing definate shape in solids

What is observable or measurable change but not a change in idenity?

this is called a physical change.the formula for this change is H2O~----->HgO2^