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What is GOS jewelry?

GOS is Gold over Silver. Gold-plated sterling silver jewellery is the best and most valuable in the gold-plated jewellery category. Designer jewellery and fine jewellery are mainly made from gold over sterling silver. The quality of the gold matters as does the silver. The reason we plate Gold over Silver is due to pure gold being too soft for jewellery and is alloyed with a base metal (silver) for strength.

What does 14k gf stand for?

It stands for gold filled. Gold Filled jewellery is used to describe a specific form of gold plating it is NOT filled with gold but it is an alternative to solid gold jewellery. Gold Filled Jewellery is a solid layer of quality gold heat bonded to an internal jewellers metal. GF jewellery is long lasting and if you take care of your pieces e.g no harsh cleaners and take your jewellery of befor going in bath/shower etc it can last a lifetime

What metal is jewellery made from?

Gold (and alloys), silver (and alloys), platinum and rarely other metals.

Why are metals used to make necklaces and bracelets?

The type of metal used decides how that jewellery will look and how long it is going to last. The better the quality of metal, the longer you can use the jewellery. Gold and silver are the most popular types of metals used for making jewellery.

What does 14KT GOLD EP mean?

Usually used for jewellery that is very thinly plated with Gold (electroplated) over a simple metal

How were the Aztecs and the Inca alike?

Both the tribes used turquoise stone, gold and metal in their masks and jewellery.

What is stamping in jewelry?

Jewellery stamping is when a piece of jewellery is stamped to identify the type of metal which has been used; for example "750" means the metal is 18 carat gold.

Where can one purchase 10k gold rings?

One can purchase 10k gold rings from Wave Jewellery, Idealprice, Littlewoods, Tiffany, Bluestone, The Gold Bullion and Cash 4 Gold stores. Gold is a treasurable metal and has been used to make several other things apart from jewellery.

What are the uses of metals in your every day life?

metal can be used as jewellery which we wore in every day life that is made up of of gold and silver which is metal ans platinum a metal

What does ep mean in gold?

The letters ep mean 'electro-plating'. It's where a piece of jewellery is made from a less valuable metal (silver for example) and then coated in a more expensive metal like gold.

What type of metal is in gold?

GOLD is a metal in its own right. However, jewellers will check for other metals, such as copper, nickel etc., because this is then not pure gold. It is quantified by being in Karats. 24 Karat gold is pure gold. However, for jewellery 22 carat, 18 carat and 9 carat gold are used.

Why use gold to make jewelry?

Because its really low in the reactive series and is hard to tarnish.