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middle of thigh slightly to the lateral side

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Q: WHAT IS THE ventrogluteal muscle?
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What are the four main injection muscles?

The four main intramuscular injection muscles are the deltoid muscle, vastus lateralis muscle, ventrogluteal muscle, and dorsogluteal muscle. While the deltoid muscle site is the upper arm region, the vastus lateralis muscle site is on the thigh. The ventrogluteal muscle is the hip, and the dorsogluteal muscle is situated on the buttock area.

Where on the body is the ventrogluteal site?

Ventrogluteal site can be found on the buttocks near the hips

Commonly used for intramuscular injections?

Deltoid, Vastus Lateralis, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus

What are the 3 muscles used as sites for intramuscular injection?

Intramuscular (IM) injections are typically given in one of three muscles. These muscles are the vastus lateralis, or thigh muscle, the ventrogluteal, or hip muscle, and the deltoid, or upper arm muscle.

What muscles are good for injections?

Intramuscular injections (intra = withing + muscul = muscle + ar = pertaining to ++ in = within + ject = throw + ion = noun form) are generally limited to 4 sites. 1. Deltoid Muscle - upper arm just below the shoulder. 2. Vastus Lateralis Muscle - thigh 3. Ventrogluteal Muscle - hip 4. Dorsogluteal Muscle - buttock

What is the Medical term meaning thigh?

Actually it depend to where you are referring to. The medsical term for the thigh bone is femur, the muscles are ventrogluteal, quadriceps, and vastus lateralis.femurfemur

What are the preferred Intramuscular sites?

There are four accepted body sites for Intramuscular injections. 1.The central region of the Deltoid muscle of the shoulder. This area is for only small injections of 1 ml or less, ie for vaccinations. The other three regions are all in the lower body area. 2. The middle of the thigh in the Vastus Lateralis muscle of the quadriceps muscle group of the upper leg . 3 The Ventrogluteal muscle in the hip on the side of the hip. 4. The Dorsogluteal muscle of the buttocks. Divide one buttock into four quadrants upper and lower. The injection should always be in the upper quadrant.

What connects muscle to muscle and connective tissue to muscle?

Muscle does not connect to muscle. Fascia is a connective tissue that connects muscle to organs. Tendons connect muscle to bone.

What type of muscle is the tricep muscle?

A skeletal muscle.

How are individual muscle cells different from the muscle tissue in the bicep muscle?

Muscle cells are smaller than muscle tissues.

What type of muscle is associated with type of muscle?

there is a thigh muscle its a skeletal muscle

What binds muscle to bone and muscle to muscle?

Tendons tie muscles to bones and ligaments tie muscle to muscle.