

WHAT IS the example where acceleration is uniform?

Updated: 3/24/2020
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11y ago

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Acceleration due to gravity is a uniform acceleration of 9.8m/s2.

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Q: WHAT IS the example where acceleration is uniform?
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What is the formula of uniform acceleration?

There are several formulae that involve uniform acceleration. For example, the definition of uniform acceleration:dv/dt = c or: a = c (where "c" is some constant).

When will you say a body is in uniform acceleration and non-acceleration?

"Uniform acceleration" means that acceleration doesn't change over time - usually for a fairly short time that you are considering. This is the case, for example, when an object drops under Earth's gravity - and air resistance is insignificant. "Non-uniform acceleration", of course, means that acceleration does change over time.

Example for uniform acceleration?

1. You will have a uniform acceleration of about 9.8 meters/second2 when an object is in free fall near the Earth's surface - for example, when you drop an object, and air resistance can be ignored. 2. Any situation where the force is constant. 3. Uniform acceleration is often assumed for simplicity, for example, when accelerating a car.

What is the example where acceleration is either uniform or non uniform?

If the graph of speed versus time is a straight line, then the acceleration is constant/uniform. If the graph is curved or has a sharp corner, the acceleration is non-uniform, i.e. not constant. A uniform acceleration means the speed changes by fixed amount every unit of time, e.g. +3 m/s every second.

What is the example where acceleration is in the direction of non-uniform motion?

Freely falling body is a good example

When will you say a body is in uniform acceleration non uniform acceleration?

Uniform (or constant) acceleration means that the acceleration doesn't change over time.

Is circuler motion an example of uniform acceleration?

No. Acceleration is towards the center of the movement, in other words, the acceleration vector changes all the time.

How do you find the uniform acceleration if the speed and acceleration are given?

Find out the time using speed and acceleration, (time=speed/acceleration) and then use it to find out uniform velocity. From that find out uniform acceleration. (as uniform acceleration is equal changes of velocity over equal intervals of time)

What is uniform accelerating?

Uniform acceleration motion is a type of motion where the acceleration value is constant.

Can uniform angular velocity has acceleration?

No, uniform angular velocity means no angular acceleration.

What is an example of non uniform acceleration?

A roller coaster

When will you say a body is in 1 uniform acceleration 2 non uniform acceleration?

Uniform acceleration means that the acceleration doesn't change over the course of time (of the time considered for a certain problem, at least).