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Q: WHAT PROCEDure is when the bone marrow is collected from the patient and later transplanted or reinfused back into the patient from whom it came?
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When bone morrow is collected from the patient and later transplanted or reinfused back into the patient from whom it came is know as?


What is autohemotherapy?

A form of ozone therapy in which a small quantity of the patient's blood is withdrawn, treated with a mixture of ozone and oxygen, and reinfused into the patient.

What is the medical procedure for therapeutic cloning?

The pricedure is when DNA is extracted from humans cell inserted into a womens ovum develop and produce stem cells, Stem cells are removed from the pre embryo grown into specifi organ transplanted into the patient.

Why nurses check doctor's order first?

To determine whether the procedure is required for the patient and to be certain what procedure is required for the patient, in order to prevent making mistakes and complicating the patient's condition.

When a patient gives consent for a procedure it is based upon the belief that?

The procedure will be beneficial to the patient's health.

How does a patient give consent to allow for a procedure?

The patient has to sign a number of forms that will allow the procedure to go forward.

What does autologous blood donation entail?

the patient donates blood once a week for one to three weeks before surgery. The blood is separated and the blood components needed are reinfused during the operation.

What is a preoperative donation of blood?

Preoperative donation: the patient donates blood once a week for one to three weeks before surgery. The blood is separated and the blood components needed are reinfused during surgery.

How is the patient prepared for microsurgery?

The patient will be placed under general anesthesia for the duration of the procedure. The advantages to general anesthesia are that the patient remains unconscious and completely relaxed during the procedure

Can a general anaesthethic be given to patient for root canal procedure?

Yes root canal procedure can be done under general anaesthesia in certain conditions where patient is highly uncooperative for the procedure.

What is the difference between a patient day sheet and procedure day sheet?

what is the difference between a patient day sheet and a procedure day sheet.

What are the Responsibilities of a nurse during laryngoscopy?

A nurse plays an important role in explaining the procedure to the patient, preparing the patient for the procedure, and assisting the physician in conducting the procedure. A nurse also assists patient recovery after the procedure, administering fluids and lozenges once the gag reflex returns, and monitoring vital signs.